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  1. N

    My WWE2K21 Ideas

    I want these things: 0. CREATION SUITE: What about Create a Superstar mode: * 200 CAW Slots * Randomizer for: -Hometowns -Names -Move-sets 1. Create a Superstar mode: * Name Information: -First Names: Ailen, Cara, Carissa, Damon, Doak, Fred, Glen, Gunter, Hank, Jean, June...
  2. AgentKallus

    What things do you hope/expect to be added to Pokemon Go.

    Now that trainer battles, gyms and tradings are all up and running in go what else would you like to see?, what to you expect to see? I'd like: A deerstalker hat Pikachu to tye in the movie release. Buddy candy in gifts/pokestops (amount relativ eto how much can be earned by walking a certain...