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~¤Life of a Legend: Lugia¤~


Binky-boo! <3
~¤Life of a Legend: Lugia¤~

Yeah, yeah. What took me so long? XP

Anyway, here you go Chibi Pika! (^.^) I know you like First Person POV, so I decided to write it that way instead of Third Person as I'd intended. =)



There was a terrible storm that day.

It had come out of seemingly nowhere. There had been absolutely no signs of warning beforehand. In fact, only moments before, the ocean had been completely calm and inviting, beckoning to all that owned a vessel to venture out into her waters, and be cradled lovingly by her tender and benevolent waves. Hundreds had answered the call, lured to the sea by the sunlight dancing upon her deep, turquoise waters, glittering like thousands of diamonds beneath the surface.

And for all their advanced technology, people had been completely unable to predict its occurrence. Now they were being forced to pay the price.

Hundreds lost at sea... Swallowed by the very essence of their life... Destroyed by their own creator...

All must die.

All must suffer, for I have suffered.

Those who perish by her waters will know what it felt like; to die within the matter you always thought would protect and provide for you. To struggle against her overpowering force, and in the end, die slowly within her grasp as she summons you back to the depths from whence you came.

Those who stayed upon the shore will know what it is like to never see a loved one again. They will know what it is like, to suffer loss...

As I have.

I search and search again, diving into the waters to find what I know is no longer there. In vain I scour the ocean floor, searching for any sign of the one I loved.

And in the end, I find nothing.

When I surface again, the feeling of ache and vexation is renewed. Stubbornly I let out a scream of rage, and repeat the process once again in vain.

Deep inside, I know the effort is pointless. But still I refuse to accept the facts.

At last, as my strength diminishes, I can no longer keep up the search. With all the might I can muster, I let out one last anguished cry to the heavens, to announce the grief I had been caused, and to ask why this fate was cast upon me.

As I plunge into the sea, the cool aquamarine waters embracing my form, I continue to ask the questions in my mind.

Why? Why are we given something to love and cherish, and then the next moment, it is stripped from us without remorse? Why are we forced to suffer this way, to go through life never knowing sustained happiness?

My vision grows darker now, as I drift deeper into the murk. As light once again brightens the world above, I catch one last glimpse of the sparkling white beams dancing atop the surface.

Why must all our dreams be trampled? All our hopes and desires broken?

My sight is blurred, fading with every passing moment. I lie now on the ocean floor, a choking sensation growing within me as my body fights to breathe. I no longer attempt to contemplate the answers to the questions I ask, and I find that slowly, surely, realization comes to me...

I close my eyes, slowly re-uniting with the waters, and I feel my form melting into the ocean itself.

The sea has always forgiven me for my actions...

Could I now learn to forgive the sea?


I'm glad you found the time to write another one of these as I am fond of the series. I liked this one because of the ideas it expressed but I don't know enough about Lugia and its legend to give you an accurate review. I really liked this one though. Your description was on-point and I think Lugia's rage was well portrayed. At first, I felt a little angry at Lugia for causing senseless destruction but then you used Lugia's own words (1st person worked great here) to justify her actions by explaining her suffering. Overall, very good job. I look forward to more in the L.O.L. series. Oh, that's awesome! It's like laughing out loud only, in this case, its more like...deep contemplation out loud. *Your stories make one reevaluate the true life of a legend. Good work!

Billy5772 has left the forum

(what do you think of my new signing off phrase? Pretty cool, eh?)

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
Whee, love it, and not just cause of some certain biased towards Lugia-ness...... I think the POV really worked with this, not just cause I like first, but becaue for some of the deep ones, you really need to get into the characters head and this wouldn't have worked as well with third. I also love the short, simple, and slightly vague theme, how it doesn't go too much into Lugia's past, but just enough to not cloud the theme and add to the depth. Awesome. I think I liked this one better than the Mewtwo (and not just cause of biased-ness!)


Brian Random

It's good. Good description of feelings, good theme, quite clever but I don't like the shortness. Also, is this a one-shot or a chapter fic?

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
It's a series of one-shots. She's already done Celebi, Mewtwo, Jirachi, and Mew.



Binky-boo! <3
billy5772 said:
I'm glad you found the time to write another one of these as I am fond of the series. I liked this one because of the ideas it expressed but I don't know enough about Lugia and its legend to give you an accurate review. I really liked this one though. Your description was on-point and I think Lugia's rage was well portrayed.

Aw, thanks! =D You really like my fics that much?

To clear up the confusion, think. How many Lugia have we seen so far in the Animé?

Now, think about ages and genders.

Also, what happens when you put a full grown male and female Pokémon together?

Finally, what's the most tragic thing that could possibly happen to a loving parent?

And there you have it. (^.~)

At first, I felt a little angry at Lugia for causing senseless destruction but then you used Lugia's own words (1st person worked great here) to justify her actions by explaining her suffering.

Yeah, I actually like how it turned out. =) Normally I'm horrible at writing in First Person. ^^;

Oh, and by the way, the Lugia in this fic was actually male. =P It was the one we saw in the Orange Islands during the second movie. The female could've worked too though.

Overall, very good job. I look forward to more in the L.O.L. series. Oh, that's awesome! It's like laughing out loud only, in this case, its more like...deep contemplation out loud. *Your stories make one reevaluate the true life of a legend. Good work!

Billy5772 has left the forum

(what do you think of my new signing off phrase? Pretty cool, eh?)

XD I usually call it 'LOAL', but that works too!

Good, I'm glad. =) After all, that's the point of all these stories, to make one realize what it's truly like to be a Legendary.

And cute signature. (^.^)

Supa lolly for you! =D Thanks for reviewing!

Chibi Pika said:
Whee, love it, and not just cause of some certain biased towards Lugia-ness...... I think the POV really worked with this, not just cause I like first, but becaue for some of the deep ones, you really need to get into the characters head and this wouldn't have worked as well with third. I also love the short, simple, and slightly vague theme, how it doesn't go too much into Lugia's past, but just enough to not cloud the theme and add to the depth. Awesome. I think I liked this one better than the Mewtwo (and not just cause of biased-ness!)

Yeah, as I said before, I was really surprised how well this turned out. =) I think I'm getting to like First Person narrative a lot more. The next one will probably be written in First as well. (^.^)

Thank you for reviewing! =D *supa lolly*

big evil said:
It's good. Good description of feelings, good theme, quite clever but I don't like the shortness. Also, is this a one-shot or a chapter fic?

Yeah, I expected it to be longer. -.- Meh.

It's a One-Shot, as Chibi Pika said. =) Here are the links to the other installments in the LOAL series if you'd like to read more.

~¤Life of a Legend: Celebi¤~
~¤Life of a Legend: Mewtwo¤~
~¤Life of a Legend: Jirachi¤~
~¤Life of a Legend: Mew¤~

Thanks for reviewing! *lolly*