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~¤Life of a Legend: Mew¤~


Binky-boo! <3
~¤Life of a Legend: Mew¤~

A tiny, pink-furred creature sat upon a glistening rainbow bubble in the center of the lake, hovering just a foot above the water. All around her sprouted an abundant amount of plantlife, lush and verdant due to their location near the water's edge. As she shifted positions every now and then, the sphere on which she sat on would bob slightly, occasionally touching the smooth, mirror-like surface of the pool and sending faint ripples across the pond. The orb itself shimmered in an amalgam of colors as the dappled sunlight struck upon it; golden rays shafted through the multiple screens of emerald that sheltered the place.

The being herself was not extraordinarily unusual, especially in a world where nearly nothing was considered out of the ordinary. In fact, compared to some of her flashier cousins, this creature was quite plain. She was covered from head to toe in a coat of short, carnation fur, barely any variation in hue anywhere on her body, and a long, feline tail extended from her behind, swishing in the air. Her form was minute, delicate, as well as elegant. Her expression retained a touch of childness however, the entire creature perhaps resembling a kitten.

Bright, brilliant cobalt optics stared curiously out at her surroundings, eagerly soaking them all in. She seemed positively fascinated by the world around her, even though she had lived in that area all her life. She was also incredibly cheerful and relaxed too, reclining on her bubble as she surveyed the beauty all around her.

But she is alone.

There weren't any others of her kind around, and if you searched and scoured the entire world, you would not find them. They were gone, wiped off the face of the entire earth. They'd been slaughtered, every one of them, by savage, two-legged creatures, who cared for nothing but themselves. They were cruel beings, ravaging and reaping the world of nature's precious offerings for their profit alone.

Yet she is happy.

Indeed she was. Having grown restless after remaining stationary for so long, the creature had discarded her bubble, which vanished with a satisfying pop. Now she was turning cartwheels in the air out of pure joy and playfulness.

Despite all the pain and suffering she has witnessed and experienced, she is happy.

After releasing the gathered burst of energy, she lazily drifted down to surface of the lake, a light pink foot dancing upon its calm surface. Once the waves that distorted the waters had subsided, she stared at the clear image of herself reflected back at her. Her eyes watched as the other creature's smile grew thin, and its feline ears drooped downwards at the sight of another of its kind. The only one left in the world.

She is not completely ignorant, however.

Reaching forward tentatively with a furry pink paw, she caressed the water replica lovingly, causing another round of silvery circles to emerge and bounce against one another. This occurrence, though trivial, seemed to delight her enough to make her perform a loop-de-loop in the air.

Still, she is happy.


This, unfortunately, was not a question that could be answered by simply observing.

The cat drifted slowly to the nearby shore, and with an energetic flick of her wrist, re-conjured the bubble into existence. Gratefully, she flopped onto it, resettling into her former seated position.

Although she seemed not to notice it, a great phoenix effigy perched beside her, a blazing golden and rainbow silhouette against the pastel, sunset background. Its colossal form resembled that of a bird, two gargantuan, orange wings folded neatly on either side of its body. The pink cat appeared completely oblivious to its existence however, despite its flaming might and glory being a considerable detraction to the atmosphere. And if she realized that those two auburn eyes, encircled in a ring of charcoal, were watching her, she made no comment.

For a minute, all was quiet, save for the soft bubbling of ripples dancing across the lake, and the chirping of nearby insects. Placid silence enraptured the entire area, and both creatures took a moment to enjoy it, neither acknowledging the other's presence.

It was the larger being who spoke at last, ringing, bell-like tones interrupting the calm.

"The lake is pretty, is it not?"

The rosy cat glanced upward and nodded eagerly, blue eyes sparkling. "Oh, it is. Especially at this time of year, when all the flowers are in bloom. I should know. I've lived here all my life. When I see the water, laced in patterns of pink and white lilies, I think it's simply enchanting, don't you? Oh! See that pretty lilypad over there? Doesn't it look absolutely lovely, surrounded by green and azure waters?"

The other creature's beak curled upwards in a slightly crooked smile. While puzzled by the cat's behavior, the bird evidently enjoyed her chatter.

"But it is a bit lonely, no?" the bells continued to ring, determined on pursuing the reason why this creature was so cheerful.

The cat's smile faded slightly at the mention of the subject. "Yes, I suppose so," she murmured with a dramatic sigh.

The bird's long neck craned over to gaze at the pink creature emphatically.

"Do you know where the others have gone?" The being watched her reaction intently, eager to know if she was aware of the truth.

She nodded slightly, and her expression informed the bird that she did indeed know what had happened to her species.

The phoenix turned to gaze at the lake again. "Do you know who did it?"

Shocked, she turned towards the larger creature. "Who?" she asked, struggling to maintain a steady voice, desire for the knowledge burning in her eyes.

"Humans," was the answer, the tone resentful.

"Humans," she repeated softly. The concept was fairly new to her, although she recollected mentions of them in fairy tales and nursery rhymes, read to her at night. Usually, they were spoken of as hideous monsters that walked on two legs, destroying whatever was in their way for their gain alone. Often, parents would use the myth to scold their young ones, teasing that the humans would come to get them if they weren't good. Though her parents had spoken of them numerous times, she'd never truly believed they were real up until now. They were just sort of like bogeymen, childhood imaginings meant to be feared whilst young then disposed of once maturity set in.

But they were real, weren't they? By the larger being's voice, she could tell the bird firmly believed they existed. And, whatever this being said, she felt obliged to believe.

The phoenix had been watching her ponder all this time, retaining a patient silence, awaiting her answer.

Much to the bird's surprise, she simply asked curiously, "Why?"

Stunned by such an odd question, coming from one in her position, it took a few moments before the phoenix responded, his expression grave.

"They are blinded by their own ego... They've nearly forgotten the meaning of love..."

Both gazed out towards the lake, and watched as an aurora of blue and green colored lights danced beneath its surface.

"They don't know how to appreciate life, do they?" she whispered.

A soft, rueful sigh emitted from the golden beak. "Once, they knew. They enjoyed beauty and laughter as much as you do now, young one. But over time, their 'superiority' began to take control over their minds. Now they believe they are above everyone and everything, which is most certainly untrue."

A sour expression appeared on the beast's face, but the small cat paid no heed, deep in thought.

"If someone could teach them... to love again... Do you think they would be... alright?"

The phoenix's head swiveled around, astonished at the genuine concern displayed in the cat's voice. "You don't mean to say you care about them? Even after all they've done to you?"

"Of course I care about them," she responded firmly, equally astonished at the bird's reaction to her consideration, "Life is beautiful, and all living things deserve a chance to enjoy it." Her voice grew softer, slightly embarrassed. "I should like to give them that chance. That is, if I could."

The phoenix watched her nervous form sternly for a minute, perplexed. At last, the bells rang again loudly in a chuckle.

Startled, the cat glanced uncomfortably in the bird's direction. "Why are you laughing?"

"You intrigue me, young one," the phoenix replied with a warm, reassuring smile.

As she returned the smile, the other's orange and auburn wingtips spread outwards in flight stance. In a downfall of shimmering rainbow feathers, the larger being took off, soaring against the rose and scarlet skies.

Below, the cat hesitated, then eagerly followed, pushing off against the orb to take flight in the air. The abandoned bubble drifted lazily towards the earth, and disappeared out of sight as the pair continued upwards, spiraling past layers of thick, pearly cloud.

"You may give them that chance, young one," the phoenix spoke as they ascended, "I am ensuring you now with the responsibility to educate the world. Enlighten them, Humans and Pokémon alike, with your wisdom. Teach them to understand and appreciate life, to respect and cherish the joys that are given to them."

They reached cosmic skies, pitch black with a tint of lavender hue. The vast expanse of ebony and amethyst was speckled with twinkling points of silvery light and draped in thick, lavender ribbons of mist. Ho-Oh's bells rang once again, echoing throughout time and space.

"Please, help show them the way."

Mew's sapphire optics sparkled with delight, and she hastened forward to hover beside the phoenix.

"I will. I promise I will. I will teach them..."

As the duo drifted onwards together at a much slower pace, she whispered softly the last words of the sentence.

"To love."


Another great one-shot by lilbluecorsola. The quality of your work is undeniable and your spelling and grammar remain without flaw. I liked this latest in the Life of a Legend series but I didn't think it was as good as the last three. That's not to say that it wasn't good because it was good. It was excellent. Maybe it's just that I'm not too fond of Mew. No, that's not it. Like with the Celebii one you did a great job of expressing Celebii's heartbreak when the part of the forest got chopped down, with the Jirachi one you did a great job of accurately portraying his loneliness, but with this one it just didn't seem like a story that was...ah, I don't know, it just didn't capture my attention like the others. Still awesome, just not an improvement on the others. As you've written the others you've gotten progressively better. This one feels like you've just stayed where you are. I don't know. Maybe someone else can give you a better review because I can't seem to express myself very well right now. Anyway, good job as always (9/10)

EDIT: Oh yeah, the context was pretty vague too. What happened to every other pokemon and how did HO-OH fit into the story? How did Mew plan to bring love back to the people?

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
Whee, another one, actually, I think my favorite so far would have to be Mewtwo one even though I think this one was deeper than it. Again, I love the description and grammar was near perfact as usual. I didn't mind the context being vague, not eveything needs to be explained in one-shots and describing exactly how Mew was going to bring love back would kind of, I don't know, ruin the ending effect of it I guess. And I'm guessing you used Ho-oh because he's kind of like another life-guardian along with Mew, what with the whole, bringing the three beasts to life, legend. I dunno. Keep it up!



you were the one.
Brilliant, blue. Just brilliant. o.o;

Descriptions were amazingly smooth and beautiful. (They always do!) Your use of words are something to marvel at, as grammar/spelling errors were flawless. I like how a simple concept can be flexible at times, yet understandable. Just beautiful! Excellent job, I really enjoyed reading this one.

...only advice I can give you are the small mistakes. For example, 'cobalt' is usually referred to dusky blue, while sapphire is a deep, glittering shade, as in cerulean. Somehow, those two contradict. Hm, at least I thought so. Just watch out for the annoying connotation/diction. Also, yea it was a bit confusing at times (had to reread it) between Ho Oh and the Mew...but then again, I shamelessly focused only on the feelings you portrayed. >>;

But other than that, I loved it. Simply beautiful, mostly the descriptions you used. Keep it up! ^^



Binky-boo! <3
billy5772 said:
Another great one-shot by lilbluecorsola. The quality of your work is undeniable and your spelling and grammar remain without flaw. I liked this latest in the Life of a Legend series but I didn't think it was as good as the last three. That's not to say that it wasn't good because it was good. It was excellent. Maybe it's just that I'm not too fond of Mew. No, that's not it. Like with the Celebii one you did a great job of expressing Celebii's heartbreak when the part of the forest got chopped down, with the Jirachi one you did a great job of accurately portraying his loneliness, but with this one it just didn't seem like a story that was...ah, I don't know, it just didn't capture my attention like the others. Still awesome, just not an improvement on the others. As you've written the others you've gotten progressively better. This one feels like you've just stayed where you are. I don't know. Maybe someone else can give you a better review because I can't seem to express myself very well right now. Anyway, good job as always (9/10)

EDIT: Oh yeah, the context was pretty vague too. What happened to every other pokemon and how did HO-OH fit into the story? How did Mew plan to bring love back to the people?

o_O;;; Whoa whoa whoa. Review Overload.

Okay, lessee. =P Yes, I think I know what you're getting at. See, usually in my LOAL One-Shots, my goal is to prove that being a legendary does not just mean "ULTIMATE POWER LIEK OMG DESTROYZ!!!!". Legendaries have feelings just as much as anyone else, and they can be hurt emotionally too. They may endure loneliness, or heartbreak, just like we do.

So, when I think about starting another One-Shot, I pick a legendary, and gather up all the knowledge I have of it. I try to think about what would cause it pain and grief. What's the most important thing in life to it? Then, one I hit upon it, I think of a way to destroy it. X)

I'm not doing it to torment them. I do it to teach people a lesson. =) Show them what it's really like to be a legendary.

Now, with Mew, I could not think of a single thing that might damped its spirits. As you know, Mew is always thought of as a cheerful Pokémon. The only thing I could work off of was its past, knowing it was the last remaining specimen of its species. I tried to explain what had happened to all the other Mews, but at the same time I was attempting to keep Mew's character of always being happy. So, it kind of contradicted each other and exploded into... this.

Oh, and I always thought of Ho-Oh as being the Pokéworld "God". Ho-Oh was the creator of all life, and is responsible for maintaining it. Because the world began spiraling out of Ho-Oh's control, Ho-Oh began enlisting the help of certain Pokémon, to help maintain peace and balance. These Pokémon came to be known as 'Legendaries', and I decided to try and make this fic an explanation of how Mew came to be one instead of my usual storyline.

And if I went on about what Mew did and what it's still doing now to bring love back, it wouldn't be a One-Shot anymore. =P

Phew. -.-" Anyhoo, here's another supa lolly! =D

Chibi Pika said:
Whee, another one, actually, I think my favorite so far would have to be Mewtwo one even though I think this one was deeper than it. Again, I love the description and grammar was near perfact as usual. I didn't mind the context being vague, not eveything needs to be explained in one-shots and describing exactly how Mew was going to bring love back would kind of, I don't know, ruin the ending effect of it I guess. And I'm guessing you used Ho-oh because he's kind of like another life-guardian along with Mew, what with the whole, bringing the three beasts to life, legend. I dunno. Keep it up!

Thanks for reviewing Chibi Pika. =D Yeah, Mewtwo's still my favorite as well. (^.^)

Anyhoo, I think the next one will be better. I have a good idea for a Lugia fic, as promised. (^.~) Something very near and dear to him will be destroyed... X)

*super lolly*

LilyPichu said:
Brilliant, blue. Just brilliant. o.o;

Descriptions were amazingly smooth and beautiful. (They always do!) Your use of words are something to marvel at, as grammar/spelling errors were flawless. I like how a simple concept can be flexible at times, yet understandable. Just beautiful! Excellent job, I really enjoyed reading this one.

...only advice I can give you are the small mistakes. For example, 'cobalt' is usually referred to dusky blue, while sapphire is a deep, glittering shade, as in cerulean. Somehow, those two contradict. Hm, at least I thought so. Just watch out for the annoying connotation/diction. Also, yea it was a bit confusing at times (had to reread it) between Ho Oh and the Mew...but then again, I shamelessly focused only on the feelings you portrayed. >>;

But other than that, I loved it. Simply beautiful, mostly the descriptions you used. Keep it up! ^^

8D Really? Thank you! (^.^)

Yeah, I had problems with that in my Celebi fic too. -.-" Need to actually start looking up the different shades instead of relying on the Thesaurus.

Hm, I didn't think it was too confusing. 'Course, that may just be because I'm the author. XP

A supa lolly for you too! 8D

Thanks for reviewing guys!