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¿Altaria or Yukimenoko?

¿Altaria or Yukimenoko?

  • Altaria, Of Course

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Beginning Trainer
¿Altaria or Yukimenoko?

Hi guys! I've a problem with my team in Diamond and Pearl and I require your help! My team is composed by three males and three females: The males ones are Golduck, Erureido and Goukazaru; the Female countrepar are Roserade, Tyranitar and Yukimenoko/Altaria. I've troubles in deciding wich of them I would prefer. here's the attack's list:

Sky Attack
Dragon Dance

Ice Beam
Shadow Ball
Confuse Ray/Crunch

Wich one you prefer the most, and why?
