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¿Altaria or Yukimenoko?


Beginning Trainer
¿Altaria or Yukimenoko?

Hi guys! I've a problem with my team in Diamond and Pearl and I require your help! My team is composed by three males and three females: The males ones are Golduck, Erureido and Goukazaru; the Female countrepar are Roserade, Tyranitar and Yukimenoko/Altaria. I've troubles in deciding wich of them I would prefer. here's the attack's list:

Sky Attack
Dragon Dance

Ice Beam
Shadow Ball
Confuse Ray/Crunch

Wich one you prefer the most, and why?



is back.
how'd you get sky attack and umm, choose that snorunt dude's evo it's so 4th gen but altaria is a good choice because of attacks


Final Fantasy Fan
how'd you get sky attack and umm, choose that snorunt dude's evo it's so 4th gen but altaria is a good choice because of attacks

Altaria learns Sky Attack.

BTW, post all your moveset suggestions and ideas here.
I'd say Yukimenoko. you could easily just put flamethrower on tyranitar, but if you need a flier, go with altaria.


the ultima breeder
i say yukimenoko, but this would be my moveset

doubleteam(filler, but can make you untouchable)
ice beam


the ultima breeder
psycic is there to counter machokes that will ruin it with foresight and brickbreak.but shadow ball makes a good replacement for double team, that set was to make yuki invincible in a way, but still useig foresight or odre sleugh will screw this tecknuique up =p


Final Fantasy Fan
psycic is there to counter machokes that will ruin it with foresight and brickbreak.but shadow ball makes a good replacement for double team, that set was to make yuki invincible in a way, but still useig foresight or odre sleugh will screw this tecknuique up =p

Trust me, Foresight and Oder Sleuth or too rare to be worried about.


Sky Attack
Dragon Dance

Altaria doesn't get Thunder D: And what good would Dragon Dance do if you only have one offensive move and it has to charge up for one turn? Replace Thunder with Dragon Claw.