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¿Altaria or Yukimenoko?

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Beginning Trainer
¿Altaria or Yukimenoko?

Hi guys! I've a problem with my team in Diamond and Pearl and I require your help! My team is composed by three males and three females: The males ones are Golduck, Erureido and Goukazaru; the Female countrepar are Roserade, Tyranitar and Yukimenoko/Altaria. I've troubles in deciding wich of them I would prefer. here's the attack's list:

Sky Attack
Dragon Dance

Ice Beam
Shadow Ball
Confuse Ray/Crunch

Wich one you prefer the most, and why?


Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
Umm, post this OR in the moveset Thread or in the RMT Forum :D


Altartia Rocks Oops Did I Spell It Right Uhhh

me pesonaly would go with altaria im guessing some one else knows ice type moves on your team and ghost attacks by tyrantar plus Yukimenoko base special defense is 70 and max is 262 leving it very weak against fire its own type ghost and defense to i would sya altarias a better pokemon for you then Yukimenoko why altairia attacj and special attack arent very high it defense makes up i would definetly ditch thunder and dragon dance and put in dragon pulse and feater rest

nintendo lord read post give reason why read b4 u post


Well-Known Member
Your altaria set kinda blows. You got dragondance and only sky attack, one of the most crappiest move, to back it up. Normally, I would say altaria., but in this case, yukimenoko. Replace psychic/thunder with waterpulse and crunch with confuseray.


oliver sreeves

Well-Known Member
altaria needs

dragon dance
arial ace
and dragon claw (as it's phisical in d/p)


The Sandstorm Slayer
me pesonaly would go with altaria im guessing some one else knows ice type moves on your team and ghost attacks by tyrantar plus Yukimenoko base special defense is 70 and max is 262 leving it very weak against fire its own type ghost and defense to i would sya altarias a better pokemon for you then Yukimenoko why altairia attacj and special attack arent very high it defense makes up i would definetly ditch thunder and dragon dance and put in dragon pulse and feater rest

nintendo lord read post give reason why read b4 u post

type in sentences... or do you actually talk like that without taking breaths?JESUS.

on topic even though it doesnt need its own thread- Id go with Altaria... but if youre going to make it a dragon dancer... have some physical moves to make use of it... not just crappy sky attack.

Jim The Milotic

Well-Known Member
Yukimenoko. The yukimenoko pwns the Altaria. Altaria is a totally overrated Pokemon; Yukimenoko is better because of the Sky Attack and the Flamethrower that can get Pokemon that it is weak against.


I prefer Yukimenoko because ice type is really good against dragon/ground/rock/grass/flying and Altaria, who also strong against dragon, but Altaria also weak against Dragon.
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