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☆The Hamtaro Club☆

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Welcome to the Hamtaro club!

Yeah this was approved by PsiUmbreon

So basicly,all you do is talk about hamtaro
and post piccys if you want.

Dark Latias
Total Shadow
Mudkip Girl


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Strawberry Milk
I'm a hamtaro fan so I guess i'll join!
Do you have any of the little hamtaro toys?
No but i wish i did.
umm wanna be co-owner?
oh and to stay on my topic i have almost everyone


oh! oh! I'm a hamtaro fan I'll join
I have tons of the little hamtaro toys
pichuking said:
oh! oh! I'm a hamtaro fan I'll join
I have tons of the little hamtaro toys
okay then
your the second co-owner if you want ^_^


yay! I am happy

one of my favorite's of the little toys is cappy and hamtaro
I remember watching this last year or so... so I guess I'll join. XD

Do you have any of the little hamtaro toys?
I got one from McDonalds when I was in grade 4(Cappy), I think, and I have a keychain of Bijou. (Just those little toys...and I stuck the keychains metal right in with my mighty hammer. :D)


Strawberry Milk
Well I know they are not the little pencil cap ones but i do have some Hamtaro toys i got from burger king about 3 halloweens ago. I still have my Alien Boss, my skeleton panda, and my witch Bijou left over.
The_Kanchome_Kid said:
Well I know they are not the little pencil cap ones but i do have some Hamtaro toys i got from burger king about 3 halloweens ago. I still have my Alien Boss, my skeleton panda, and my witch Bijou left over.
I have both of those except for bijou :mad:


Strawberry Milk
The funny thing was taht I was a giant hamtaro fan back than so I begged my mom to take me over to burger king to buy me the toys.^_^
The_Kanchome_Kid said:
The funny thing was taht I was a giant hamtaro fan back than so I begged my mom to take me over to burger king to buy me the toys.^_^
same here XD
I only got this Cappy and Elder Ham.(the one I mentioned before, 'cept I got mixed up with McDonalds and BK) The Cappy was a Jack-o-Lantern, and the Elder was... a thing. o_O;

I have two pencil cap things, the keychain Bijou and Hamtaro, which I lost a while ago...


Strawberry Milk
well I guess i'll start a topic:
Do you have any of the Hamtaro videos?
I do. I got 3 of the 4 videos that were released. The one i only need is "Ham-Hams head Seaward"

DL: I believe elder ham was a werewolf. Too bad they did not include dexter and howdy. Dexter was my favorite though.
The_Kanchome_Kid said:
well I guess i'll start a topic:
Do you have any of the Hamtaro videos?
I do. I got 3 of the 4 videos that were released. The one i only need is "Ham-Hams head Seaward"
My cousin has that!or she did but then her brother broke it <_<
I have the first one


Strawberry Milk
I was hoping that they would at least release the specials on DVD. Well at least the halloween and the Ham-Ham games at least.
Do you have any of the Hamtaro videos?
I didn't hear about them...:( *Goes to hamtaro.com* I haven't been there in a long time...

Total Shadow

I'll join... I guess. I do have some eraser-like things, 1 Hamtaro video, and I used to have the Video Game. I lost it, so I want a new one.
Total Shadow said:
I'll join... I guess. I do have some eraser-like things, 1 Hamtaro video, and I used to have the Video Game. I lost it, so I want a new one.
sure you can join!

♥Princess Ketchum♥

#1 Ash Satoshi Lover
Can i join XD I Used to love Hamtaro :D
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