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☆The Hamtaro Club☆

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Angelic Elf Ivy

Well-Known Member
I'd love to join! Can I?
I have nothing for either of the topics that have been mentioned, but I do have a Hamtaro fan fic if any one wants to read it! ^_^ There's a link in my sig for those of you who wanna read it.
Ivymoonrose said:
I'd love to join! Can I?
I have nothing for either of the topics that have been mentioned, but I do have a Hamtaro fan fic if any one wants to read it! ^_^ There's a link in my sig for those of you who wanna read it.
sure you can join!
you to Mudkip girl

Angelic Elf Ivy

Well-Known Member
We should come up with a topic soon, or at least do something to get more members to join this club. :p It might die before we get anything done. I'll shut up before anything else negative and most likely untrue weasles it's way out of my big mouth. In fact! (*duck tapes mouth shut) ^_^ Myeah! (Yay!)
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