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14th of December in Japan


Another thread reports Coro-Coro saying that the Pokemon Battle Revolution will come out in December. The main site says that the game will come out on the 14th of December. I can expect an early 2007 release alongside DP in America.

EDIT: The game will also cost 5800 Yen, which converts to about $50 ($48.5).
There will be 10 different backgrounds in PBR or so - I think.
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Manafi's Dream

On that website I like the pochama form.


Well-Known Member
alright heres how it might go down:

If Cartoon Network keeps this pace and plays every new episode straigth, then we will be finished w/ the Battle Frontier saga in the 1st week of February. Now however long it will take them to show D&P is another thing. It usually took WB a good few monthes for new sagas but were with CN right now. Now whichever one they decide to promote first is what bothers me. Usually they have the GBA (in this case DS) games come be4 the GCN (in this case WII) games. They can go whichever way they want with this but its pretty much (shot in the dark here) guarenteed that they'll release it a little before the D&P anime, on the release date, or soon after.

So yea to make a long story short, prob. expect D&P to come out be4 PBR.


Well-Known Member