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2 pictures with same theme. witch own better?


Well-Known Member
My pal and I done puture battle. witch own better 1 or 2?
the pitcure:


<<The Best
number 1 of course


Where is the rum?...
number 1 is way better ^^...i ike the way you done it
I would say no1 obly becuase no2 is very basic. but no1 doesnt look good jsut better. i dont know how to fix no2 but for no1 WAY to many mouts, they are all leavel (they shoudnt be)

Umbreon Rider

Tolkien fan 4 eva
number two was done with a SPRAY CAN and RECTANGLE TOOLS come on!!!
no. one was done very carefully with pokemon style


Amaisan Axis

Jade Star Trainer
First of all, there's no such thing as a "puture". Second of all, it's not even close.