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2 Q's

1. Does EV training exist? (In MD)

2. Are there shiny pokemon? (In MD)


Well-Known Member
1 - No
2 - No

So does natures, dv's, gender, and breeding... do not exist.


fredfredburger yes!
no to both but you can still get all 386.


Onions? Where??
on shiny keckleon in center, at least she's purple
Yeah many of the features from RSE arent in MD mostly because they influence the max stats of the pokemon and in MD you can get all stats up to 999 so there isnt really a need for the values. ;123;


I wanted ketchup!!!
There are no shiney pokemon or EV training in this game


on shiny keckleon in center, at least she's purple

Does Kecleon Brothers mean anything to you?

If EV training exsisted in this game, it'd be too cheap.

Charizard used Heat Wave!
*Everything dies*




Glitch Hunting Freak
I'm actually GLAD there are no shinies! Here's why
Shiny rayquaza flew down!
Your partener uses ice beam! 999 damage!
rayquaza dies! No shiny pokemon for you.

Honestly though it would be too hard to get a shiny, not only having to overcome the odds of one appearing BUT you still have to see it AND get it to join your team IF it even can!


A negative to both Houston.

That's why everyone uses joy seeds...