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2 questions about D/P

Moonlight Umbreon

Well-Known Member
Can you guys give me a good site to buy pokemoon diamond or pearl in japanese not to expensive? cause may inport one

thanx;488; ;147;

edited: sorry only 1 question


The Deadman

Good site, ships to U.S. and U.K., reasonable prices. Got mine from there.


I got mine from 52 bucks off PlayAsia. It's the best place to go but if you wanna wait, that's fine, too.


Well-Known Member
im ordered it like 3 days ago and its dirt cheap for a good game


Charizard Trainer
Another good site is Toys n Joys.com. They have alot of stuff there and I have bought 3 things from them and it took 2 weeks to get to where I live.