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200/200 in Hoenn, now need help


Well-Known Member
I just completed my Hoenn Dex. I can't decide which pokémon should I choose among the Johto starters: they all have crappy movesets, IMO.
The standard Thypholsion seems a bit dull compared to Blaziken. Feraligatr seems OK, though I have a modest Starmie that could obliterate it. And Meganium... meh, a not-better-than-any-other grass standard moveset.
I have Colloseum, so I'll get all three, but I want to train the hard earned one I get from Birch. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Doesn't matter, I think you breed them the for better movesets, their level up movesets are no good


I said, Bring It ON!
which ever one you think looks coolest at final

which ever you think would be a good high level pokemon

honor your starter from g/s/c with another one (if you had one)


Torterra Firma
I'll say Cyndaquil. But it depends on your tastes.

Ace Hardlight

I want race car bed


Eevee Trainer
I say go with which one you chose in GSC. If not, then go with Cyndaquil. That's my fav. hehe. I dunno, if you can transfer them over from Collo, then just close your eyes and move your arrow around until you feel like stopping. Ta-da!


I personally would choose Chikorita because that's my favorite grass starter, including the DP one. Sure bulba is cool but, meh. Cyndaquil and Totodile are also okay, but I agree with the others. Honor your G/S/C 1st starter.


Well-Known Member
Meganium, as you said, Blaziken > Typhlosion, Starmie > Feraligatr, and there is no real comparison to meganium, I believe she/he is one of the strongest pokemon I used, and hell, If I hadnt restarted my game a year ago, I'd still be using it LOL


I am the game
ill go with chikorita or totodile.
Chikarite is a good strategy pokemon but the other are power ones so its what youd rather have id have feraligator it learns more moves


Well-Known Member
Well, I'll go with Cyndaquil. I can make him a good poké without using MT, TMs or egg moves (I need SW and Rock Slide for Totodile and Leech Seed for Chikorita). Thanks for the feedback.


fuk yo couch ***** !
if you really dont know which to go for then either go with the one that has type advantage over your hoenn starter or the one with type disadvantage to your hoenn starter. that whittles it down to a choice of 2 at least..
and as far as crappy movesets go, egg moves and tm's are your friend :)


Well-Known Member
Chikarita, it can evolve into meganium which can learn earthquake, that's why I like it.


oblivion weilder
i really like maganium,for ome reason, but i also like feraligtre

Blazin' Blaziken

Well-Known Member
I would say Cindaquil, but you did'nt compare anything to Chikorita, so you can choose her/him. Oh, you can just pick a random name out of a hat! :D
-Blazin' Blaziken