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2nd attempt at sprites


The Sexy Kitty Cat
I tried Chaos and found out I suck. Lets try editing trainer sprites to look like me and my friends


And yes, I know they arent that great.


Mayness Yayness!
The problem is...I cant see what you've edited on sabrina....

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
Well time for some real help as the previous 3 said nothing.

Well let's start off with the image itself. It's a JPEG. JPEG ruins the quality of Sprites because it screws up the color and makes it unclear.

The sprites are pretty simple. All you did was add the psychic aora's to all of them. The Ben sprite doesn't make sense with no eyes, unless your friend has none. From what I see, the Tia nothing changed except the hand, which you added the aora. Your sprite was a rip of one of the mossdeep leaders in which you took the others arm and put it there which it fits well.

Sprite wise you did a good job. You just have to save it as a PNG and it would have been much better.

Hope this helped you.


The Sexy Kitty Cat
Well time for some real help as the previous 3 said nothing.

Well let's start off with the image itself. It's a JPEG. JPEG ruins the quality of Sprites because it screws up the color and makes it unclear.

The sprites are pretty simple. All you did was add the psychic aora's to all of them. The Ben sprite doesn't make sense with no eyes, unless your friend has none. From what I see, the Tia nothing changed except the hand, which you added the aora. Your sprite was a rip of one of the mossdeep leaders in which you took the others arm and put it there which it fits well.

Sprite wise you did a good job. You just have to save it as a PNG and it would have been much better.

Hope this helped you.

1. I cam clueless on stuff like PNG and JPEG and stuff like that. I dont mess with it. A little clarity on how to change stuff like that would help.

2. Well, my friend ben has hair that covers his eyes. (I have only seen them once).

3. Well, the thing is, Tia looks like Sabrina so much its scary. All I had to do was change the hair to a darker tone. (If you take the sprite I have and the original sprite, you will notice my sprite has darker hair)

4. As stated before in my first post.
Lets try editing trainer sprites to look like me and my friends
I said I changed sprites to look like me and my friends.

I appreciate your help FullaRapNPokemon. I just wish others would have made an effort to post help. Instead of this
The problem is...I cant see what you've edited on sabrina....

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
No problem. I feel sometimes people need to know what they could improve on. As for the PNG vs. JPEG here are two of my sprites. One is saved as JPG the other as PNG.


See thee difference in clearness.

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
you go to file > save as. At the near bottom of the box that pops up when you click save as, a dropdown menu should be there. It should say save as type. Just open the menu and PNG is at the bottom.


Mayness Yayness!
I appreciate your help FullaRapNPokemon. I just wish others would have made an effort to post help. Instead of this

Ok but I have no Idea what Tia looks like I cant say "Oh you should of edited that top she always wears" or " yeah but isnt her hair shorter" so really thats what it was to me a slightly edited sabrina (also I thought she already had the aura)
But I show you im nice really by giving my opinians!
Tia: Well Ive already said but although she may look like Sabrina you could of but different clothes on her
Ben: Ok once again you could of changed the clothes, the eye thing is a cool effect but perhaps it would of looked smoother if you had made the fringe longer instead?
You: My favourite but once again it looks like a recolour not an edit
There good and I really didnt meen to offend!


The Sexy Kitty Cat
Alright, I will edit the clothes a little. Still new to spriting so I dont have the capabilities to do everything I wish I could.


The Sexy Kitty Cat
Heres my second attempt at my friends and my sprite.


I know, I just recolored them. I made it into more what we wear.

And before someone asks. Here is what is on them

Myself: a cream colored hoody with GAP written on the front and blue jeans.

Ben: a green coat and blue jeans.

Tia: a black jacket with blue jeans.

Currently adding more detail to the sprites (Hoods are harder to make then I thought).