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3 birds


Well-Known Member
Whats a good level to fight all of them? Right now I have a Charmander at lvl. 15 and a Mudkip at lvl. 16.


Watching You
I just beat Zapdos and Moltres.But I have lvl 20's.


I wanted ketchup!!!
I think you should train more before going on


Well-Known Member
If it helps, here are the levels of the three birds when you fight them.
Zapdos: Level 25
Moltres: Level 32
Articuno: Level 33

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
For Zapdos, 16-20, Moltres 21-24, Articuno 25-32.


Trainer of the moon
Just battle them. I did that and I trained on my way in the short dungeon. Just keep battling them and then you'll get a good tactic and you'll defeat them quick. Just try again and again.