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"360 can do MGS4 in Real-time" - yet another blow to Sony



"According to a 1up.com video post, Hideo Kojima has admitted that the Xbox 360 is capable of running the Metal Gear Solid 4 real-time demo. Despite the PlayStation 3 propaganda on display throughout the demo, Kojima’s comments reaffirm many gamers’ opinions that the two next-gen consoles aren’t separated by much in terms of sheer graphical power. Today’s lesson: Don’t be a victim of hype."

The words of Kojima himself :p



Well yeah, that's what I meant. The Sony fanboys have been going crazy over MGS4, thinking it was the most awesome thing ever, the fact it wasn't real time is a fairly big blow to them, and the fact even more developers have stated there is next to no difference between the two consoles, makes it pretty much pointless to wait a year to get a PS3, when there is a near identical console out there already.

There's also the fact that 90% of games aren't even going to use Blue-ray because it's too expensive. Instead, most games will be using DVD 9's - exactly the same storage medium as the 360.


Old Coot
I think the biggest blow is that it seems Sony's depending on MGS4 to grab attention for the PS3, yet the creator of MGS states that the Xbox 360 can also run the demo that was shown. Now Sony's gonna have to come up with something to make themselves look better, despite the fact that the consoles are quite similar in power.


Irate Pirate
Hmm, Im still wondering how the XBox can actually do HDTV, doesn't it require a higher read rate than DVD's can reach? Or does it just store some of the data on the ram?

The Battousai

Isn't blu-ray a standard for ps3, and wasn't MGS4 made on a weaker machine than the actual ps3. My point is that PS3 reminds me of PS2 and 360 reminds me of dreamcast, many people were thinking DVD's were going to be too expensive to make games on (considering the price of DVD players back then) and that dreamcast's CD(GD)-ROM's were going to be cheaper and easier to make games on. To combat this sony ended up taking a loss (likely what will happen to ps3) by selling PS2 at $300.00 USD instead of those expected high prices. Also, PS2's metal gear solid 2 trailer could also run on dreamcast, a system which had similar specs to PS2, however the actual game couldn't. I don't think 360 will suffer like the dreamcast did (microsoft has the $ to make it a success, and microsoft's initial shipment of 360s are already sold out) but I do think PS3 will grab more customers. PS2 has a very big fanbase and people tend to stick to what they like, if there system offers similar games, advanced technology (blu-ray, which has support from many companies such as apple and hp), and better graphics it will sell big.
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EE said:
I think the biggest blow is that it seems Sony's depending on MGS4 to grab attention for the PS3, yet the creator of MGS states that the Xbox 360 can also run the demo that was shown. Now Sony's gonna have to come up with something to make themselves look better, despite the fact that the consoles are quite similar in power.
I was thinking the same as well. I suppose that therein is the point of intruding across marketing trends when you have a head start and the chance to. Sony's going to be reeling from this.


Ski > You
One word for Sony: Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
But... My FFVII Technical Remake... NOOOO!


skiboydoggy said:
One word for Sony: Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
But... My FFVII Technical Remake... NOOOO!

Even if they did remake FFVII, I don't think it would hurt Microsoft. They've already more or less announced that FF13 will be a 360 game. We don't know for sure, but it seems very likely at this point. They'd make a lot more money by releasing it on the 360 than Sony could ever give them for keeping it exclusive.


Ski > You
They are remaking FFVII, and as far as the news goes, it is for the PS3 only. Therefore I am sad.
Simple logic really.


Not true. They showed nothing but a tech demo. Even if they did announce they were releasing it, there'd be no way to tell if it were exclusive to the Playstation or not. Square Enix are pretty much a multi platform developer now. Hence all the DS/GBA and Xbox games.


Old Coot
I thought it was Final Fantasy XI that they were releasing onto a Microsoft console? o_O I remember hearing some discussion on that.

Edit: Nevermind, I have my answer. >_>;

I believe the whole reason they're bringing FFXI to Xbox 360 is to see how well the game performs with Microsoft's well known online service. And because it'll give people the chance to not have to deal with the dated-looking graphics of the PS2 and terribly cramped screen and don't have any kind of PC that can support the game.
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I didn't just pull the FF13 thing out of my *** you know. Like I said, still not confirmed, but looking very likely. The fact they even mentioned it is odd, if they were definatly keeping it exclusive to Sony.

"November 15, 2005 - A major shot in the next generation system wars could end up being fired at next year's E3. Reuters news service reveals today that Square Enix will solidify its plans for Dragon Quest IX and Final Fantasy XIII in time for the May show.

Square Enix President Yoichi Wada, in an interview conducted by Reuters on the 14th, disclosed to the news service that the possibility exists for Square Enix to offer the titles on both the X360 and PS3. "We plan on solidifying our plans by E3 to offer both on the PS3 and Xbox 360, or place both on just one [system]," Wada explained.

Getting the main numbered entries in the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest series would be a major boost to Microsoft in Japan. Square Enix has previously announced that the Final Fantasy series will come to the PS3 but has not made any mention of Dragon Quest."


Old Coot
Afterall, Final Fantasy XII was promised to be released how many months ago and was under development for how many years? >___>

The Battousai

Ninja gaiden 2 may also go multi-platform, that's one of the only games preventing me from buying ps3, however if it does go multi-platform I'm definately buying a ps3 mainly because I like rpg's and action/adventure's, something that was abundant in ps2 and lacking in xbox, ninja gaiden was like a breath of fresh air to me when I bought it for my xbox. Final Fantasy is probably multi-platform anyway, I don't believe square enix has that much faith to develop rpg's exclusively for 360, especially cause the original xbox was treated like n-gage in Japan.

link about ninja gaiden:

As I said earlier ninja gaiden may go multi-platform.


Very old artical. Itakagi has expressed his deep hatred for the PS3 on numerous occasions. I highly doubt either Dead or Alive, nor Ninja Gaiden will leave the 360 anytime soon. It's also worth pointing out, NG2 has actually been announced now, and there was no mention of it being for anything besides the 360.