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360 launch reviewed

ghost master

the kawaiist thing
Well here's IGN's review.
Overall Summary: While it's difficult to judge without any next-gen competitors yet, Microsoft's Xbox 360 looks well-equipped to fight Sony and Nintendo from every angle: The hardware is powerful, there is support from third-party publishers in all regions, the online set-up is years ahead of its time, and there is an enormous amount of fun to be had by just turning the system on. Hopefully, Microsoft can eliminate early hardware issues and provide plenty of systems in the next few months.

What will be most telling is how well the system fares in Japan; how Capcom, Namco, and Konami decide to support the system from here on out; what new games Rare will bring to the table, and just exactly how Microsoft reacts to the storage media situation when it finally plays itself out.

Overall Hardware and System Launch Rating: 8
It's really confusing though since they rated the launch as a 5.0 in a section titled launch then they did how it will fare in the future and it got a 9.0. Then they posted this. So I dont know they thought the launch was 5.0 but, here they have it 8.0 Here's a link. http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/673/673188p4.html

Also 1up rated it but, more of is this truly the HD era. here's a link http://1up.com/do/feature?cId=3145953
What I found kinda funny are the quotes from Peter Moore that were false or are an exageration.


Dynamo Trainer
IGN gave 360 ONLY a 5.0?
That means that 360 must be really bad because Superman 64 got a 3.5 on that site. Yoshi's story got a 7.5 and that game is below average.


Meteor Trainer
Gamepro reviewed some of the games, and previewed a few more launch titles, and I've got to admit, even as a long time reader of Gamepro (been subscribed since late 1999 or early 2000 IIRC), their bias is obvious. Pick up a magazine and read their previews section for the 360. Every game in that section, which they have only played a demo of, is either "a safe bet" or "a good choice". Even in their Perfect Dark Zero section, over half of the article is trying to convince the readers that the reaction to the trailers is "absolutely nothing to worry about".

I'm glad IGN is giving an honest opinion of the launch. 5.0 to 8.0... I'm beginning to wonder whether that's a typo.

The Battousai

The 360's launch was rated a 5.0 (it's launch was horrible, frustrated gamers, hardware errors and lack of launch units), however overall they gave it an 8 in terms of potential and future which isn't that high , it's like recieving a 80 on a test, pretty low if you ask me, only slightly above the standard (75 is standard, which I believe is a C). The question I ask all these "True American" gamers is why buy a 360 when you can play all of it's killer apps on a computer. Don't tell me updating is a hassle because all these games "require" is the latest version of windows, you only need a good graphics card if you want it to look as good as the 360. The whole point of the xbox was to boost computer gaming and get console gamers interested in computer games. I did own an xbox (which I sold for Christmas shopping money a couple days ago and spent some of it on a used slim ps2 for my console gaming needs from a good friend for $30, sort of ripped him off because he bought it 2 months ago) and it (xbox) was a pretty good system, but when you can play KOTOR I and II and Halo with online play (which is what I'm currently working on) on your computer xbox serves no purpose. Next generation I'm probably just going to buy a ps3 and buy 360 killer apps for the pc.
Shiny Charizard said:
The 360's launch was rated a 5.0 (it's launch was horrible, frustrated gamers, hardware errors and lack of launch units), however overall they gave it an 8 in terms of potential and future which isn't that high , it's like recieving a 80 on a test, pretty low if you ask me, only slightly above the standard (75 is standard, which I believe is a C). The question I ask all these "True American" gamers is why buy a 360 when you can play all of it's killer apps on a computer. Don't tell me updating is a hassle because all these games "require" is the latest version of windows, you only need a good graphics card if you want it to look as good as the 360. The whole point of the xbox was to boost computer gaming and get console gamers interested in computer games. I did own an xbox (which I sold for Christmas shopping money a couple days ago and spent some of it on a used slim ps2 for my console gaming needs from a good friend for $30, sort of ripped him off because he bought it 2 months ago) and it (xbox) was a pretty good system, but when you can play KOTOR I and II and Halo with online play (which is what I'm currently working on) on your computer xbox serves no purpose. Next generation I'm probably just going to buy a ps3 and buy 360 killer apps for the pc.

You know all of the Xbox 360 killer apps will be out for the PC how? Things like this bother me. If it's true the Xbox is supposed to get people into computer games, explain that to the people with other OS's who CAN'T play the killer apps of the Xbox. Also, how do you get to the conclusion of the Xbox getting people into computer games? Just because you can play a few of the games on the Xbox/Xbox 360 on your PC doesn't mean the Xbox is supposed to get you into computer games. :/


kingboo30 said:
IGN gave 360 ONLY a 5.0?
That means that 360 must be really bad because Superman 64 got a 3.5 on that site. Yoshi's story got a 7.5 and that game is below average.

Read again. The actual launch got a 5 because of the shortages, etc. But the console itself got an 8.

The Battousai

After 360's horrendous launch I wasn't too thrilled about 360 but now I am starting to realize the console's future potential. If you remember correctly PS2's launch was also horrendous and it's graphics were noticiably below Xbox's (I feel PS3 is in the position Xbox was in last generation, except I feel it will be recognized early on due to it being made by sony an electronics company popular in America and Japan) but it still ended up selling the best of the console triangle and earning the most third party support. My biggest beef with the 360 is that it is made by an American company and is fighting for market share in a primarily japanese market and struggling (link: http://www.forbes.com/afxnewslimited/feeds/afx/2005/12/06/afx2374088.html) . I feel if Xbox was made by say Toshiba or Sega it would have done much better due to it's powerful graphics and being easy to develop for. I also hate that microsoft didn't launch 360 with HD-DVD or blu-ray putting it in a somewhat bad position in a few years.
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Very true, but frankly, I like the fact there's at least ONE western designed console. It's a nice break from all the spikey haired, big sworded, saving the world games.

The Battousai

^Yeah true but 360 still has FFXI and blue dragon, it just doesn't have enough rpg's to feed the Japanese market. I want to buy a PS3 but I also don't want to part with halo and Ninja Gaiden (my two favorite games). If microsoft can get the HD-DVD thing going I may just consider buying a 360 over PS3, however if PS3 is a next-gen PS2 in terms of third party support, sony is getting my money.
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Marsh Trainer
Shadowfax said:
Very true, but frankly, I like the fact there's at least ONE western designed console. It's a nice break from all the spikey haired, big sworded, saving the world games.

Even some Japanese people helped design the Xbox 360 to fit there taste. Hopefully with FFXI, 360 will get a better rating at least with Japan. Its probably the only thing that will keep 360 alive in the Japanese market at least until PS3 comes out.