So far I've found a site that mentions the difference between US and JP Yu-gi-oh and Pokémon eps, but I want some on Yu-gi-oh GX, One Peice, Naruto* and so on...
*I know Naruto isn't really 4-kids (yet) but I'd still like to see the difference.
Wha you mean by "yet"? It's already liscensed by Viz. 4Kids isn't going to get their hands on it.
Only ruined Naruto is one in Germany.
Don't forget the UK Naruto. Before everyone hated the German version, they hated the UK version.
He was simply asking for comparision sites, he wasn't complaining. :\ Heck, there wasn't even a small hint of complaining about 4Kids in this thread.Not another one of these 4Kids ruined my life because it edits cartoon show threads =\
Those who become fans of said adapted verions will and can look into the full versions to see more if they choose to. However, most are content at what they have.
He was simply asking for comparision sites, he wasn't complaining. :\ Heck, there wasn't even a small hint of complaining about 4Kids in this thread.
One Piece Episode Comparision Guide (One Piece)
Naruto wasn't dubbed by 4Kids, but you could find comparisions here (as you can see, there aren't much "differences").
Wha you mean by "yet"? It's already liscensed by Viz. 4Kids isn't going to get their hands on it.
Only ruined Naruto is one in Germany.
If anything 4Kids has brought the anime to your television sets and has allowed you to actually watch it while most obscoure anime is on late night television networks.
What did they do to Naruto in Germany?
If by redesigns you mean fixing artwork that was absolutely ridiculous from what aired on Japanese TV, then it's not Viz's doing. That was done for the Japanese DVDs, such as "look kinda cool" Naruto and disproportional head Sasuke.That hasn't been updated in a long time. There's another site and mentions the edits more. Most of them, however, are character redesigns.
If anything 4Kids has brought the anime to your television sets and has allowed you to actually watch it while most obscoure anime is on late night television networks.
Those who become fans of said adapted verions will and can look into the full versions to see more if they choose to. However, most are content at what they have.
Not another one of these 4Kids ruined my life because it edits cartoon show threads =\