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40 years later...

The Edge

Yeah, this is just a piece of crap i drew in about thirty seconds during History. (what else? :p ) It's not supposed to be perfect, so don't post saying OMGORZ itz not perporshunal!1 or anything like that. It's supposed to be messy. I've posted a few threads here before, so you should know that this is not my best, or anywhere near it, i was just goofing around.

Ooookay, now that's out of the way...here it is.

May's too small compare to Ash, and pikachu looks like my granddad, but...like i said, took me about 30 seconds. It's not even really in anime-style, just a doodle.


Where is the rum?...
hehe that pic is funny...but very good for a 30 second doodle ^^;447;


Kanto Starter Fan
Actually, I would say its original and interesting, but im quite sure pikachu would of eventually evolved into a Riachu through all that time! You should give it a bit of colour, although I never colour in my quick doodles either. ^_^


Well-Known Member
HA! ha, HA!

Who cares if its not of Van Gough quality :p


Oh noes, toast =O
Never mind Ash, she looks older than Agatha 0_o

Still, nice doodle, I quite like the idea, though the Pikachu looks weird.
I like the fact that ash look like a primitive ugly pokemon otaku. lol

very funny and original. Ash one is the best.

The Edge

The old lady was originally gonna be Ash's mom, but for some reason i made her May instead. Like i said, 30 seconds, so there was a lot less thinking than there was drawing.
Last edited:


Yes, I'm still alive
that is one of the best pictures ever, i don't know why , but my brain says so!

Rayquaza Master777

#1 May Fanboy
Um, Ash is about 11 1/2 and May is about 11. They wouldn't look that old. Ash would be 51 1/2 and May would be 51. People that age don't look that old.


mai husbando
This is pretty funny, poor Ash turning into a creepy pokemon loving pedophile, somewhat like Prof. Oak. \o/ It's also good for being a 30 second doodle, my only negative comment is that it really doesn't look like the characters, it could be any old dude. :p But whatever, it's still fun mockery.


Silence is Purple
Ash looks like an ape. May looks very old (much older than 40 years older.) She looks about 60 years older. Pikachu looks like a rabbit.
It's a funny picture because it was a doodle. And it's pretty good at some parts.
But some parts look like a doodle. But still 7/10.