May you please talk to 4kids Entertainment / Alfred R. Kahn, to stop editing the anime, removing Japanese references! The link below is a petition.
Please show this!
THANKS TO 4kids they ruined yu-Gi-OH, POKEMON, ONE PIECE, SHAMEN KING etc..
Despite this trend some companies, 4Kids Entertainment in particular, continues to heavily censor most of its productions in order to remove non-American elements.
*Mew Mew Power? What the Heck! Is TOKYO A CUSS WORD!?
Many Anime fans object to this editing on artistic grounds, claiming that modifying elements of the original stories amounts to tampering with works of art. Additionally, many fans feel that they do not get the genuine Japanese cultural learning experience they might have gotten had the Anime been left uncut. Some fans object because editing is usually done without consulting the original creators of the Anime that are edited. On the other hand, many fans are just glad to have Anime in the United States and would rather have edited Anime than no Anime at all.
There was a large enough fan-base against the editing in the Anime Yu-Gi-Oh!, that, by petitioning for years, fans were able to convince 4Kids Entertainment, the company that handled the show in America, to release uncut versions of Yu-Gi-Oh! onto DVD, with the original music, the original Japanese versions with English subtitles, and new dubbed versions with more faithful translations, with the first two DVD volumes released in 2004 and the third in 2005. But the making of these uncut versions stopped after three DVD's. The anti-editing fan-base of Shaman King, also produced in America by 4Kids Entertainment, was also large enough for 4Kids Entertainment to release the same type of uncut DVD's for that show; the releasing of these DVD's also discontinued, but after two DVD's, which were released in 2004. Both series' "uncut" DVD releases contained dubtitles, transcriptions of the English Language dub, instead of faithful translations, and Shaman King lacked one of the original eyecatches. 4kids Entertainment did not promote the uncut DVDs at all, which may have also contributed to their failure.
I hate this! I'm fearing what will 4kids do to a future Yu-Gi-OH GX episode, the episode is 86, it is centered around a duelist that uses a Kabuki deck.
Kabuki (?*???, kabuki) is a form of traditional Japanese theater. Kabuki theater is known for the stylization of its drama and for the elaborate make-up worn by its performers.
The individual kanji characters, from left to right, mean sing (?*?), dance (?), and skill (?). Kabuki is therefore sometimes translated as "the art of singing and dancing." These are, however, ateji, characters that do not reflect actual etymology, and the word kabuki is in fact believed to derive from the verb kabuku, meaning "to lean", or "to be out of the ordinary", hence kabuki can be interpreted to mean "avant-garde" or "bizarre" theatre.
4kids has a problem in the past with removing scenes / episodes that has references to Japanese culture.
It seems that 4kids hate's the Japanese!!!!!!!!!
There are alot of cartoons that has Japanese references that is dubbed by american companies (Kappa Mikey).
Please save the 86th episode!!!
The company is well-known for its strict "no-edits" policy in licensing their films abroad. This has stemmed from the disastrous dubbing of Miyazaki's Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind when the film was released in the United States as Warriors of the Wind (it was heavily edited and Americanized). There is a rumor that when licensing Princess Mononoke, Miyazaki mailed Miramax a samurai sword with a note reading "no cuts", to underline their "no-editing" policy.
May you please talk to 4kids Entertainment / Alfred R. Kahn, to stop editing the anime, removing Japanese references! The link below is a petition.
Please show this!
THANKS TO 4kids they ruined yu-Gi-OH, POKEMON, ONE PIECE, SHAMEN KING etc..
Despite this trend some companies, 4Kids Entertainment in particular, continues to heavily censor most of its productions in order to remove non-American elements.
*Mew Mew Power? What the Heck! Is TOKYO A CUSS WORD!?
Many Anime fans object to this editing on artistic grounds, claiming that modifying elements of the original stories amounts to tampering with works of art. Additionally, many fans feel that they do not get the genuine Japanese cultural learning experience they might have gotten had the Anime been left uncut. Some fans object because editing is usually done without consulting the original creators of the Anime that are edited. On the other hand, many fans are just glad to have Anime in the United States and would rather have edited Anime than no Anime at all.
There was a large enough fan-base against the editing in the Anime Yu-Gi-Oh!, that, by petitioning for years, fans were able to convince 4Kids Entertainment, the company that handled the show in America, to release uncut versions of Yu-Gi-Oh! onto DVD, with the original music, the original Japanese versions with English subtitles, and new dubbed versions with more faithful translations, with the first two DVD volumes released in 2004 and the third in 2005. But the making of these uncut versions stopped after three DVD's. The anti-editing fan-base of Shaman King, also produced in America by 4Kids Entertainment, was also large enough for 4Kids Entertainment to release the same type of uncut DVD's for that show; the releasing of these DVD's also discontinued, but after two DVD's, which were released in 2004. Both series' "uncut" DVD releases contained dubtitles, transcriptions of the English Language dub, instead of faithful translations, and Shaman King lacked one of the original eyecatches. 4kids Entertainment did not promote the uncut DVDs at all, which may have also contributed to their failure.
I hate this! I'm fearing what will 4kids do to a future Yu-Gi-OH GX episode, the episode is 86, it is centered around a duelist that uses a Kabuki deck.
Kabuki (?*???, kabuki) is a form of traditional Japanese theater. Kabuki theater is known for the stylization of its drama and for the elaborate make-up worn by its performers.
The individual kanji characters, from left to right, mean sing (?*?), dance (?), and skill (?). Kabuki is therefore sometimes translated as "the art of singing and dancing." These are, however, ateji, characters that do not reflect actual etymology, and the word kabuki is in fact believed to derive from the verb kabuku, meaning "to lean", or "to be out of the ordinary", hence kabuki can be interpreted to mean "avant-garde" or "bizarre" theatre.
4kids has a problem in the past with removing scenes / episodes that has references to Japanese culture.
It seems that 4kids hate's the Japanese!!!!!!!!!
There are alot of cartoons that has Japanese references that is dubbed by american companies (Kappa Mikey).
Please save the 86th episode!!!
The company is well-known for its strict "no-edits" policy in licensing their films abroad. This has stemmed from the disastrous dubbing of Miyazaki's Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind when the film was released in the United States as Warriors of the Wind (it was heavily edited and Americanized). There is a rumor that when licensing Princess Mononoke, Miyazaki mailed Miramax a samurai sword with a note reading "no cuts", to underline their "no-editing" policy.