The great
Found this artic
Yeah, so he's saying:
"Hey Parents! Let your kids play a game that will influance them into becoming part of the Mod/Violence Problem! Yo!"
Geez, why not hand them the Gun already....
What a dickhead.
50 Cent Says Bulletproof is for Kids
It's okay to let them play M rated games.
Just because it is rated mature doesn't mean you shouldn't buy it for your kids," 50 Cent told Reuters yesterday. "Play the game and explain to them what they are playing."
Well, actually, Mr. Cent - may I call you 50? - actually, sir, most parents agree with the ESRB ratings, which means they think that "M" is most definitely not for kids.
But you're a parent, Mr. Cent, and you can make the decision for yourself.
I make fun, but really, I understand what he is saying. Some kids are going to be mature enough, even if they are under 17, to play games rated M. And if a parent agrees with that decision, there's no reason why they shouldn't let the kids play. My friends and I were often taken to see R-rated movies as teenagers; My parents didn't mind the rating so much as the quality of the movie (The Godfather was fine; Porky's was not allowed). 50 Cent has a point about games - even M-rated games - having some potential for education. Can his own game Bulletproof be so classified? I'm not sure.
On the other hand, we are talking about a man who thanked "marketing" when he won an MTV Video Music Award in 2003. Who thanks "marketing"? What about the fans on the street? Your neighborhood? No, he thanked his producers and "marketing." So, perhaps his appeal for parents to buy copies of his new game Bulletproof is really just...marketing.
Yeah, so he's saying:
"Hey Parents! Let your kids play a game that will influance them into becoming part of the Mod/Violence Problem! Yo!"
Geez, why not hand them the Gun already....
What a dickhead.