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50 Cent: Offically a moron

Found this artic


50 Cent Says Bulletproof is for Kids
It's okay to let them play M rated games.

Just because it is rated mature doesn't mean you shouldn't buy it for your kids," 50 Cent told Reuters yesterday. "Play the game and explain to them what they are playing."
Well, actually, Mr. Cent - may I call you 50? - actually, sir, most parents agree with the ESRB ratings, which means they think that "M" is most definitely not for kids.

But you're a parent, Mr. Cent, and you can make the decision for yourself.

I make fun, but really, I understand what he is saying. Some kids are going to be mature enough, even if they are under 17, to play games rated M. And if a parent agrees with that decision, there's no reason why they shouldn't let the kids play. My friends and I were often taken to see R-rated movies as teenagers; My parents didn't mind the rating so much as the quality of the movie (The Godfather was fine; Porky's was not allowed). 50 Cent has a point about games - even M-rated games - having some potential for education. Can his own game Bulletproof be so classified? I'm not sure.

On the other hand, we are talking about a man who thanked "marketing" when he won an MTV Video Music Award in 2003. Who thanks "marketing"? What about the fans on the street? Your neighborhood? No, he thanked his producers and "marketing." So, perhaps his appeal for parents to buy copies of his new game Bulletproof is really just...marketing.

Yeah, so he's saying:
"Hey Parents! Let your kids play a game that will influance them into becoming part of the Mod/Violence Problem! Yo!"
Geez, why not hand them the Gun already....
What a dickhead.


Ski > You
Let's just put it this way:

Have you played any RPG lately? Are you going to cast Firaga anytime soon?
Have you played CS? Are you going to shoot down people with your Carbine?
If you are old enough to say that he is a dick-head, why not spend more time trying to figure out that only people who can APPRECIATE violence would actually try and EMULATE violence.

Geezus, you sound like a watered-down Jack.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
well it is 50 cent they are talking about!
the guy who brags about getting shot 6 times!

but then again, it is the parent's decision.... some 10 year olds where I live play Grand Theft Auto games.... and my mum says even when we are 18 we are not allowed them, my babysitter won't let her 23-ish yearold husband play Grand theft auto games...

so let the parents decide if they want there children to play games which are rated 'M'....
but then some parents have no idea what they are buying, so even if a child wants a hardcore porn movie they will get it for them..

but then, why thank marketting? because he knows he sucks realy bad and has no talent! that is why!
skiboydoggy said:
If you are old enough to say that he is a dick-head, why not spend more time trying to figure out that only people who can APPRECIATE violence would actually try and EMULATE violence.

Geezus, you sound like a watered-down Jack.
I didn't mean it in that way at all. Its just a matter of the fact that 50'cent is asking Adults to buy thier Kids a 18 rated game! I am all against how video games do not infullence kids, but still, its the principal of the thing.


Ski > You
Your warped logic compels me. (Heh, always wanted to say that.)
I guess it works out that way, as I disagree to kids buying M rated games no matter how little it influences them.
I do not want my cute little cousin to spew words he heard on Riddick, even though he's not going to kill anyone soon.

Do not ENCOURAGE them. I find that that is what is probably getting you all ******. Heck, I have nothing against the playing, and I am sure we share similar sentiments, but ASKING them to play the game and pushing any rather iffy things that could happen on the parents is wrong.

I can do both sides rather well by the way.

+Chaos Blade+

What Curtis is trying to say is that parents should trust their kids enough to play these games. Trust me, I play God of War, GTA: San Andreas [I do not want Hot Coffee -.- Sheesh!], watch a ton of R-rated movies, and yet, I don't do those things, so therefore, I don't emulate what the games say.

He's saying to parents, "If you don't trust your kid, fine. If you do, then don't restrict him/her to those games!"

+Chaos Blade+


Some kids are going to be mature enough, even if they are under 17, to play games rated M.
I agree. I'm still the lovable yet ignorable boy I was.

And if a parent agrees with that decision, there's no reason why they shouldn't let the kids play.
What they might not know that the kid might be stupid enough to do that M-rated crap.


Old Coot
Hold on now.

You people bashing the guy are IDIOTS. Did you even understand the message behind his saying?

Lemme break it down for ya.

"Play the game and explain to them what they are playing."

In other words, he's saying to parents that they should play a game while their child watches. AND explain what is going on. In other words, this means the parents tell the children what is occuring on the screen and can provide their parental advice to the children about the consequences of performing an act from the game in real life that can be possibly done and to teach them the differences between fantasy and reality.

Any of you aware parents don't give a rat's ass about the ratings and rarely even pay attention to it? If they had to raise the rating for a 17+ age rated game to 18+, you know something is terribly amiss. If kids were capable of getting on their hands on a game called Grand Theft Auto and parents throw a fit over the "hot coffee" mod, you can tell parents don't pay attention to these details.


Master Coordinator
Edward Elric said:
Hold on now.

You people bashing the guy are IDIOTS. Did you even understand the message behind his saying?

Lemme break it down for ya.

In other words, he's saying to parents that they should play a game while their child watches. AND explain what is going on. In other words, this means the parents tell the children what is occuring on the screen and can provide their parental advice to the children about the consequences of performing an act from the game in real life that can be possibly done and to teach them the differences between fantasy and reality.

Any of you aware parents don't give a rat's ass about the ratings and rarely even pay attention to it? If they had to raise the rating for a 17+ age rated game to 18+, you know something is terribly amiss. If kids were capable of getting on their hands on a game called Grand Theft Auto and parents throw a fit over the "hot coffee" mod, you can tell parents don't pay attention to these details.
Explaining reality and fantasy DEFINETELY needs to be explain nowadays, now that kids are starting to emulate what they see on the video games.
Shadow Reaper said:
Explaining reality and fantasy DEFINETELY needs to be explain nowadays, now that kids are starting to emulate what they see on the video games.

It's true, nothing is more scary then seeing a kid yell "HYPER BEAM!!!!11111" in a playground while attacking friends.

But myabe m rated games aren't the best for parents to explain these things, but I still think they need to do some explaining.


Super Gamer
Sherlock Shuckle - you have a babysitter, lol - how old are you?

I think 50 cent and all of those people who call themselves musicians are just around to promote pride and violence.



Old Coot
Controller of Flames said:
It's true, nothing is more scary then seeing a kid yell "HYPER BEAM!!!!11111" in a playground while attacking friends.
Since when was it "scary" or new that kids would pretend at playgrounds? Nothing wrong with pretending. Actually DOING some of the possible things is what's scary.

I think 50 cent and all of those people who call themselves musicians are just around to promote pride and violence.
Way to ignore the explanation I just gave.


Edward Elric said:
Since when was it "scary" or new that kids would pretend at playgrounds? Nothing wrong with pretending. Actually DOING some of the possible things is what's scary.
Especially if a kid tries to jump on a bully to try to get rid of him. LOL.


Well-Known Member
I never thought I'd say this, but I actually respect 50 Cent somewhat now. About time someone told the parents to do something.


Monkey Dragon
Never thought this would happen, 50 Cent actually making sense? This is exactly the kind of message these soccer moms need to get through their heads...


Dragon Master
I knew one would eventually do something good. Eventually.

I've being playing violent games for seven year, plus two more if you're like Jack and think Mario's violent. And yet I'm one of the most pacifist people you could ever meet. And I'm not kidding. I've haven't seen many 'encouraged' acts of violence even by ten-year-olds who play San Andreas, just now some of 'em think they're gangsta. No really. There like Latin and 'waz up homie' and the lot. Just a few do that, and they'll learn eventually I don't give a crap how they talk. Just as long as it makes sense.


I own the 5th gen
with 50 Cent saying this, and that recent Family Guy episode in which Brian explains to Lois how it doesn't matter what's on TV so long as parents take responsibility, it leaves me to wonder.... will mainstream media start to finally get around to everyone, or will it be a futile effort since the majority of the population are apparently idiots that never listen to reason?


Sherlock Shuckle said:
well it is 50 cent they are talking about!
the guy who brags about getting shot 6 times!

but then again, it is the parent's decision.... some 10 year olds where I live play Grand Theft Auto games.... and my mum says even when we are 18 we are not allowed them, my babysitter won't let her 23-ish yearold husband play Grand theft auto games...

so let the parents decide if they want there children to play games which are rated 'M'....
but then some parents have no idea what they are buying, so even if a child wants a hardcore porn movie they will get it for them..

but then, why thank marketting? because he knows he sucks realy bad and has no talent! that is why!

ok he got shot 9 times

i sometimes think it should be for kids who dont do what they do in the games or in other words they can handle the games because they are MATURE enough. HE DOES NOT SUCK AT ALL DUDE YOU JUST DONT LIKE THE TALENT HE HAS.

im not old enough but im not stupid enough or at all to even re-enact what i do in video games.

I know his game sucks already cuz i know...

blaze boy

Aka SamuraiDon
LuGiA_bLaStOiSe said:
ok he got shot 9 times

i sometimes think it should be for kids who dont do what they do in the games or in other words they can handle the games because they are MATURE enough. HE DOES NOT SUCK AT ALL DUDE YOU JUST DONT LIKE THE TALENT HE HAS.

im not old enough but im not stupid enough or at all to even re-enact what i do in video games.

I know his game sucks already cuz i know...

Well his game game got ban in Australia here a link for info: