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5th gen Pokemon in 11th movie?

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< She's preaty
Do you think a 5th gen Pokemon will apear in Pokemon movie XI


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Pretty far off to be talking about right now, though I wouldn't be surprised, as the 2nd AG movie (Deoxys) featured Munchlax in it.


aka Arbok
Hmm, i don't think so... Maybe in the 12th ><''

Yeah there is a big different between 11th and 12th movie, and i hope the 11th movie is about Diaruga & Parukia...


I'm Back? YAY!
Arbok:Movie 10 seems to be featuring Arseus....I think Diaragu and Parukia will be like Groudon and Kyogre-Have a few episodes for themselves....

Although having both of them being in the Arseus Movie with the Physcic trio...Ash finding out how the earth was...he will be like "OMFG!!!A Bloody Pokemon Created me!How Amazingly original...This has to come from the producers!"Something like that........

Kojiro:I dont really think this is the end of Pokemon..I mean sure...Arseus is the creator and all....but you know...game freak can pull this off....Arseus could be a decoy for the real god and gets killed by Giovanni's Rocket Launcher...Then Mew comes~hocus pocus~and poof the world is destroyed.Then every single pokemon comes together and the world is created once more...leaving it as a cliffhanger with you wondering..."That is not possible!The world was destroyed!The pokemon were blasted into smitherins!!"

A whole new game will come for generations to come!

Therefore,I can see pokemon going to at least 15 generations!

Vent's Theme

Pretty Dolls
Kojiro:I dont really think this is the end of Pokemon..I mean sure...Arseus is the creator and all....but you know...game freak can pull this off....Arseus could be a decoy for the real god and gets killed by Giovanni's Rocket Launcher...Then Mew comes~hocus pocus~and poof the world is destroyed.Then every single pokemon comes together and the world is created once more...leaving it as a cliffhanger with you wondering..."That is not possible!The world was destroyed!The pokemon were blasted into smitherins!!"

A whole new game will come for generations to come!

Therefore,I can see pokemon going to at least 15 generations!

Your sarcas-o'-meter seems to be broken. Oh, and, as a friendly aside, don't give up on your day job. >.> <.<


I'm Back? YAY!
I remember seeing Arseus(shadowed of course) in the Movie 10 Preview on Youtube
Probably since they try to show off any new pokemon as much as possible.


The new tuxedo look!
I hopr the 11th will feature a 5th gen poke. I can't wait for more pokemon.:D


The Best of the Best
I doubt it. Here is my reasoning. From the time the first gen began to the second gen, it was 2 seasons. From the time the time the 2nd gen began, it was 3 seasons to the third, and from the time the 2rd began, it was 4 seasons until the 4th. So Im thinking that we aint getting another generation for like 5 years. Plus, we have more legendary Pokemon than ever before, and we have only had 1 featured in a movie. D/P will probably only be in the anime, maybe even the legendary trio. But I think we can have a movie for Aruseus, Darkry, Sheimei, Regigigas, the Fire/Steel legendary. We got so many movie possiblities. So what Im thinking is that it wont be until at least movie 12 that we feature a 5th gen Pokemon.

Elite 4

Pokemon is for nerds
Kojiro has got a point.

But still, us at Serebii know all the new Pokemon. But the offical site of Pokemon likes to keep stuff secret till it is officaly released.

So I think putting a 5th Gen pokemon would be very dumb, hence some people only know about Muchlax. xD
the heck? hoenn only had two
let me see
Kanto 1
Orange islands 1
Jouto 3
Hoenn 2
Battle Frontier 2

Depending on how long the region is i'd say 2 or 3 tops as usual

Movie 5, Movie 6, and Movie 7

Plus the 2 BF ones, because I don't believe in placing movies in such minor areas.

And that would still put the last Shinou movie at 12, at least.

Korobooshi Kojiro

Well, the Third Gen got 5.

But still, us at Serebii know all the new Pokemon. But the offical site of Pokemon likes to keep stuff secret till it is officaly released.

So I think putting a 5th Gen pokemon would be very dumb, hence some people only know about Muchlax. xD

Serebii gets all the pre-release Pokemon from official sources.

Munchlax was advertised A TON by Nintendo
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