< She's preaty
Do you think a 5th gen Pokemon will apear in Pokemon movie XI
Kojiro:I dont really think this is the end of Pokemon..I mean sure...Arseus is the creator and all....but you know...game freak can pull this off....Arseus could be a decoy for the real god and gets killed by Giovanni's Rocket Launcher...Then Mew comes~hocus pocus~and poof the world is destroyed.Then every single pokemon comes together and the world is created once more...leaving it as a cliffhanger with you wondering..."That is not possible!The world was destroyed!The pokemon were blasted into smitherins!!"
A whole new game will come for generations to come!
Therefore,I can see pokemon going to at least 15 generations!
Arbok:Movie 10 seems to be featuring Arseus....
Hoenn got 5 movies.
It's safe to say that Shinou will at least get as many as Hoenn.
the heck? hoenn only had two
let me see
Kanto 1
Orange islands 1
Jouto 3
Hoenn 2
Battle Frontier 2
Depending on how long the region is i'd say 2 or 3 tops as usual
But still, us at Serebii know all the new Pokemon. But the offical site of Pokemon likes to keep stuff secret till it is officaly released.
So I think putting a 5th Gen pokemon would be very dumb, hence some people only know about Muchlax. xD
Movie 5
Plus the 2 BF ones, because I don't believe in placing movies in such minor areas.
Yes, quite.By that logic movie 2 counts towards jouto since it revolved around jouto pokemon.
Since it was made for the sole purpose of dragging out the anime until D/P came out, like the Orange Islands, I'd say it's minor. We'll never hear about the Frontier Brains again, or Satoshi beating them.i would hardly consider the battle frontier a minor area.
Well, the Third Gen got 5.
Serebii gets all the pre-release Pokemon from official sources.
Munchlax was advertised A TON by Nintendo