The Meme Supreme
I got bored of playing Ultra Moon (maybe one day I'll beat an Alola game) but I still need something to play on my lunch break at work, so at the suggestion of my partner I've started playing White! My short foray so far into the game has already made me really nostalgic - whilst I started with DPPt/HGSS I think BW was when I really engaged with the online community and the lead-up to a new game release. I still remember where I was when I first got to play the games, I remember watching the original trailer for the anime and seeing Ash use all 3 starters, I remember that I used to draw the starters over and over again and can still recall their Japanese names from when that was the only information we really had about them... It was amazing! These are also the only games where I've used all 3 starters to beat the game on separate teams - I've done it in Kanto too but that was via Let's Go which is kind-of cheating.
Anywho, I have made it up to the Striaton Gym, which I beat rather handily. I chose Snivy for my starter as it's my favourite of the trio and mine was a female (like Ash's) so I named her Nettles. We fought Bianca and Cheren and won handily, made our way to Route 1 to catch a Lillipup and a Patrat, headed to Accumula Town to beat up N, proceeded on to Route 2 to catch Purrloin, beat Bianca again, ran straight to the Dreamyard to obtain Chimpansea the Panpour (our second team member), beat Cheren at the Trainer's School, headed to the gym and took on Chilli! Snivy took down Lillipup with Growth-boosted Tackles, and Panpour spammed Water Gun to beat Pansear. Easy win!
The Team:
Nettles the Snivy, Level 13 ♀
Tackle, Growth, Vine Whip, Wrap
Chimpansea the Panpour, Level 12 ♂
Scratch, Work Up, Lick, Water Gun
Anywho, I have made it up to the Striaton Gym, which I beat rather handily. I chose Snivy for my starter as it's my favourite of the trio and mine was a female (like Ash's) so I named her Nettles. We fought Bianca and Cheren and won handily, made our way to Route 1 to catch a Lillipup and a Patrat, headed to Accumula Town to beat up N, proceeded on to Route 2 to catch Purrloin, beat Bianca again, ran straight to the Dreamyard to obtain Chimpansea the Panpour (our second team member), beat Cheren at the Trainer's School, headed to the gym and took on Chilli! Snivy took down Lillipup with Growth-boosted Tackles, and Panpour spammed Water Gun to beat Pansear. Easy win!
The Team:

Tackle, Growth, Vine Whip, Wrap

Scratch, Work Up, Lick, Water Gun