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5th gen type and look ideas?


We need a Water/Ice type
a Grass/bug type and a Fire/dragon type.
for teh starters
What would they look like.
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Fire Dragon would mess everything up because it could defeat everyone else. I like the grass bug idea though. Maybe it could be a Lady bug with a flower on its back for the 1st form?


Fire/Ice types would be cool.
Of course, 4x damge from Rock types would be a problem.


Well-Known Member
i say a dark psychic would be cool
hay I heard the 4th gen had just been revealed~

but anyway I don't see why everyone's so obsessed with a fire/dragon. It would become the ultimate OU n00b machine.

I'm pretty impressed by the grass/ice combos
but I'd like to see bug teamed up with more types, especially those that would cancel out some of its worst weaknesses~
