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7 evee evolutions

Which is the best evee evolution?

  • Total voters

Mim3 Jr.

Cute, Cuddly, Pink~
Im leaning more towards Leafia, only because it is a Grass Type, and I would really love to see a Solarbeam come out of that thing, lol. But believe it or not, as Pokemon expands, so will Eevee's Evoultions.

-Mim3 Jr. ;manene;


Leafia is my personal favorite. After all, grass is my favorite type. Umbreon definitely comes in second though! My favorite baton passer and just a cool Pokemon.


Mayness Yayness!
Hmm I love them all! so I cant really vote

Dark Espeon

Well-Known Member
Posted by Mim3 Jr.:
Im leaning more towards Leafia, only because it is a Grass Type, and I would really love to see a Solarbeam come out of that thing, lol. But believe it or not, as Pokemon expands, so will Eevee's Evoultions.

...Except Leafia has 60ish Special Attack, so it cannot really Solarbeam effectively. ^^;;

Anwyays, I voted for Espeon. Like, duh. :p

Toran Frostbite

Highrise Above All
Just wait. Once they finally make the last possible Eeveelution, which is Dragon, everyone's going to be all over it as their favorite.

And I can't vote. I can't choose between Espeon or Vaporeon.


Pokémon Trainer


Guess which is my favorite, go on, guess.



Who can say?
Leafia at the moment, Vapoureon used to be my fave, and I still like it a lot.
I know a lot of people always wanted a gress Eevee evolution, but I never thought there would be one...


Jirachi's Helper
I have to go with Flareon, he is super cool and strong. Also Jolteon can't reallly learn any good moves unless they are taught by TM. So yes, definietly Flareon
Umbreon is the best, followed by Espeon/Flareon then Glacia


Jirachi's Helper
I don't like the two new evolutions. They don't look like an evee, they look just like brand new drawings.

oliver sreeves

Well-Known Member
umbreons the best.

best stats, best defense stat out of all the eeveelutions.

not as fast as jolteon though, but maxed out special defence!!!