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7-Star Raids - Strategies, Speculation & Discussion Thread


Sketcher of Smeargles
What actually bothers me is that its tongue scarf was turned into a regular scarf, since nothing is sticking out in the animations you can see its mouth.

Anyways, thankfully another 7-star raid doable in solo player - and without even needing to train a different Pokémon. Hopefully for the next ones Home will be available so it doesn’t really matter if they will be doable in solo.
I believe its still shows its connected but they flipped it as to where. I can see an attempt of doing on its right side instead of its left like in XY.

Pokemon Power

Well-Known Member
So who do you guys think be next? I think it'll be one of the final evolved Hisuan starters. Whether they decide to have it be in regular or Hisuian form would be up to them of course.


Doing Their Best
So who do you guys think be next? I think it'll be one of the final evolved Hisuan starters. Whether they decide to have it be in regular or Hisuian form would be up to them of course.
If they are going with a fully evolved Hisuan starter, the quite popular ones seem to be Decidueye or Samurott (is Typhlosion popular with the fan base?). Otherwise maybe Delphox or Rillaboom.


Sketcher of Smeargles
So who do you guys think be next? I think it'll be one of the final evolved Hisuan starters. Whether they decide to have it be in regular or Hisuian form would be up to them of course.
Pretty much Chesnaught, Delphox, Rillaboom, Intelleon, Decidueye, Samurott and Typhlosion seem to be the next major candidates.

I assume that if Decidueye, Samurott and Typhlosion are given their Hisuian forms for the raids, then the secondary encounters will be a handful of Hisuian Pokemmon that may act as good counters.

When DLC comes Venasaur and Blastoise will probably follow in suit just like SWSH DLC.


Well-Known Member
Greninja was easy peasy if you get RNG luck. Used same Slowbro as Cinderaece, got lucky with no crit Night Slashes, took a bit longer and had to use slack offs but got it in one try!

(Stored Power did miss a few times but fortunately had enough HP thanks to AI bringing grassy terrain)


Lover of underrated characters
Greninja was easy peasy if you get RNG luck. Used same Slowbro as Cinderaece, got lucky with no crit Night Slashes, took a bit longer and had to use slack offs but got it in one try!

(Stored Power did miss a few times but fortunately had enough HP thanks to AI bringing grassy terrain)
The **** you mean? Every Slowbro I've met tonight has been useless


Training Anaylst
I used Gastrodon here. Storm Drain (almost due to the brief ability wipe) completely ignores Hydro Pump, it can run Clear Smog which will wipe the initial Double Team, and Chilling Water will help out the entire team by nerfing its use of Gunk Shot and Night Slash (the latter of which is helpful with all the Slowbros running around). From there you could run a physical build with Earthquake and Curse, or a support build with Mud Slap, which considering it runs lower accuracy moves was a boon for avoiding some of its nastier attacks, and Recover. I personally used the latter and the team we had was able to get the clear pretty comfortably.
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Copley Hill Gym

Well-Known Member
Utterly convinced that Clodsire with water absorb and amnesia/earthquake is the way to go. Won several times now and the best partner is at least one vaporeon. It's all about patience and whittling down the HP until the shield breaks.

Also, OMG Clodsire. I love this thing. How did I not think of using it before. Utterly brilliant new Pokemon.


Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm nobody, but I just want to add that the Slowbro, or in my case Slowking, method worked very well for me while doing the raid solo.


Bug Catcher
The **** you mean? Every Slowbro I've met tonight has been useless
Probably the rest of the team died and consumed the time limit before Slowbro could build.

Slowbro is a slow build. Even against Cinderace it would only attack on the 8th turn. Against Greninja it takes even longer because (1) the first three turns are wasted, (2) it will need to heal from time to time and (3) f-ing Double Team.

It works great in single player because you don't get get penalized if your teammates die, but in multiplayer if a single member of the team dies then probably the fight will end before Slowbro can even start attacking.
If the rest of the team is tanky enough to not die, though (Clodsire, Gastrodon or more Slowbros), it should be an easy win.


What is the airspeed of an unladen Swellow?
Finally got my win last night. I had a Psychic Tera-Type Vaporeon build with Fake Tears, Calm Mind, Acid Armor and Stored Power, and my winning raid was with three Slowbro running the recommended set. It took forever, and some RNG luck breaking our direction, to get Greninja's health down.


Well-Known Member
I've managed to capture Greninja... two times. (on two different files) and he wasn't easy to take down.
one scarlet, I had slowbro, using calm mind and stored power but had to fear the night slashes and with Violet, had Espathra using Lumina crash to weaken Greninja's defense.

edited; just for laughs, I've just caught Greninja again! got another switch for extra lv7 star captures
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Live freely
Pretty easy yet again. Used the same Slowbro from Cinderace but replaced Rain Dance with Slack Off. Saw a Toxicroak with Chilling Water and Acid Spray which was a fun use for it so might try that out especially since it doesn't have to worry about Toxic Spikes if it faints. Also saw Metal Sound/Light Screen/Calm Mind/Stored Power Klefki.


Managed to do Cinderace and Greninja today. This gimmick of only replacing the 7-stars raid if you go online is quite handy.

Now, I'm only missing Chesnaught for my DLC team.
Anyway, the 7-Star Mightiest Mark Greninja is available now and with the help of some people, I was able to solo it using Slowbro.

Slowbro w/ Zoom Lens
- Do nothing until Greninja debuffs your team
- Iron Defense x3
- Nasty Plot x3
- Cheer 'Go all out!'
- Stored Power until it faints (2+ times)

The key to this raid is patience and taking things slow. I just healed with Slack Off in between everytime my HP goes below half which kept me alive. My AI teammates even managed to break the shield for me while my Stored Power kept missing.

Of course, others might find more efficient methods for doing this quickly. But this worked. So I'm happy with that.
My build uses Iron Defense, Nasty Plot, Psychic Terrain and Stored Power but I might replace with Slack Off for the sake of this raid.
What actually bothers me is that its tongue scarf was turned into a regular scarf, since nothing is sticking out in the animations you can see its mouth.
Reminds me a gen 7 artbook had a cursed image of Greninja without the tongue scarf. Should try finding it so I can post here.
Pretty easy yet again. Used the same Slowbro from Cinderace but replaced Rain Dance with Slack Off. Saw a Toxicroak with Chilling Water and Acid Spray which was a fun use for it so might try that out especially since it doesn't have to worry about Toxic Spikes if it faints. Also saw Metal Sound/Light Screen/Calm Mind/Stored Power Klefki.
I like those ideas. Might try them out when I start doing solo runs on monday


Well-Known Member
Espathra is also a good support against Greninja with feather dance to weaken it's night slash, then a couple of calm minds then ether stored power or Lumina crash for offence.


Togekiss Enthusiast
Probably the rest of the team died and consumed the time limit before Slowbro could build.

Slowbro is a slow build. Even against Cinderace it would only attack on the 8th turn. Against Greninja it takes even longer because (1) the first three turns are wasted, (2) it will need to heal from time to time and (3) f-ing Double Team.

It works great in single player because you don't get get penalized if your teammates die, but in multiplayer if a single member of the team dies then probably the fight will end before Slowbro can even start attacking.
If the rest of the team is tanky enough to not die, though (Clodsire, Gastrodon or more Slowbros), it should be an easy win.

I think it comes down to people not really understanding how to take their solo build into a multiplayer setting. In a solo raid, Slowbro's strategy works fine, but in multiplayer it's unreasonable to think no one is going to die within the 8 turns it takes Slowbro to set up. I solo'd Greninja with Vaporeon...Vaporeon takes a whopping NINE TURNS to set up! (10 if you want to add an attack cheer) However, in multiplayer, I set up for four turns and then started attacking, Even though Vaporeon wasn't fully charged it was still plenty effective because my teammates were dropping Greninja's Sp .Def, adding status effects and attacking themselves. Slowbro (or any solo build) doesn't necessarily need to be fully charged to be effective which is something that a lot of people either don't realize or don't care about.


You know, considering that... I can actually have a slim bit of hope it'll be Chesnaught.


Well-Known Member
I'd like for Decidueye to be next since we haven't had a grass 7-star or gen 7 starter raid yet.