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8th gym battle


Codenumber 242
This is forbidden to people who have beaten Wallace/Juan. Anyway, discuss about the gym leader's strength, even how tough he is.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
This is forbidden to people who have beaten Wallace/Juan. Anyway, discuss about the gym leader's strength, even how tough he is.

Umm... uh... very random topic... eh...

How come this is forbidden to people who have beaten the Sootopolis gym? That's just plain stupid, people can still discuss how tough they are, even if they've beaten them...
And if you've not beaten them, then how can you fully address how tough they are?

I have beaten the gym on ruby and emerald, but not on sapphire! So I can still be here I guess!

In my opinion, Wallace is a tough leader, if I ever loose to him, it's on his Milotic, that thing is so annoying to take down... (But that's also why it's my favourite pokemon! ^^;)
Juan, on the other hand, sucks balls. Seriously, any average player can whip his *** with little or no effort at all, at least I did. ^_^

Yeah, that's what I have to say, I'm going to leave now as technically I am 'FORBIDDEN' from being in this thread. :mad:



Well-Known Member
Um, yeah, that's a stupid condition. Hardly anyone who has played the games has never beaten Wallace/Juan before.

Anyway, the only real trouble I have with him is Milotic (for some reason I always read that as Miltioc until I heard it in the anime). Its high Sp.Def makes it a tough opponent for my teams grass and electric types to take down so I always seem to stumble there. If you've trained properly, there shouldn't be any real trouble with the rest of the Pokemon.


It took me 20 minutes to kill Juan's Kingdra. >_> It used Double Team a couple of times and my Electrode's Spark kept missing. After like 15 minutes Kingdra started struggling. Yay for Swellows Aerial Ace that took like 20 HP. >_>

But Juan's Pokémon was like 10 levels better than mine. ._.


The new tuxedo look!
Well, I haven't beat him yet in ruby, so I'm in. Anyways, sceptile and anelectric type put together in ru/sa = juan running for his life. :D


Well-Known Member
no gym leader is hard to beat there all to easy that goes for the elite 4 as well.


a t l a n t i s
The only way I was able to beat him easily is because I chose Treeko in the beginning. I bet it would be hard if you chose the others, because some might not have a Grass or Electric pokemon.


Good at Life.
There aren't really any grass pokemon worth catching in Emerald .. Sceptile and Venusaur are really about it ..

But you can get a Manectric in-game and, if nothing else, a Vileplume to take care of Wallace/Juan. Don't forget that Fighting-types will also handle anything with an Ice type (Lapras and the like). If you can somehow get to the TM before beating the Water gym, Sceptile can also learn Dragon Claw to take care of that Kingdra.