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/|\ _*awesome Site*_ /|\


hey, can u tell me what template that is? i have a freewebs site too

and i like the template. thx


New Member
1. Don't post your site twice, once is enough.
2. Don't steal images from other sites. Your background image is obviously not from your site, but from the original Pikachu's Den run by PiPikachu
3. I advise you not to use pre-made layouts, especially by freewebs. You should create your own, and even if it does look crappy at first, at least you made it yourself which will give you more flexibility with it.
4. Don't use counters, they're useless.
5. Don't link images from other sites, such as the Charizard pictures. Upload them to your freewebs account or at least imageshack. Linking from another site just eats up their bandwidth, which is a very naughty thing to do. This is especially bad in your DP Sprites section as all your sprites are from Pokemon Destiny.
6. Don't post up your site while you still lack information, it gives you a bad first impression which would lead to people not really checking back on it, despite that you tell them to check it daily. You should complete your core information before you publicize your site.