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-_- Call me a Noob, But...

Mse Ownage

Ur Going Down!
just a pokemon that is maked too strong like most people found legendary's cause the get al people with them and so most people call them uubers..


Sea Ruby Trainer
Think of n00b.. and the opposite =)


Toon link
it's like all those legendery's those very powerfull pokemon wobofet is a uber aswell


Just incase that's not what you meant about wanting to know what uber means, I'll go ahead and cover all the bases.

The word uber is just German for "super."
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Infinity's got 23

What's Uber and what's not. There Uber because there stats are unusually high compared to other Pokemon, or Standards.

That list/whole thread pretty much made me laugh

"It's actually deeper than that. It's also a certain way of life. You don't have the right to make the rules. You don't have the right to decide what's the moral way to play Pokemon. Those 4 rules were made because Pokemon is an unbalanced game, so it needs those rules to remain fun even after so much time. Ignore these rules and you will lose respect in the eyes of other players. But, other than those 4 rules, don't clause anything else. The 5th rule is this: Play to win."

That ESPECIALLY made me laugh. Freakin hilarious.

Anyways, back on topic, ubers are just ridiculously strong Pokemon
People that have overpowered stats such as Mewtwo,Kyogre,Groudon, Rayquaza, Deoxys, Ho-oh, Lugia
Judging by Prince_PJ's post and signature about cloning, I'd say he's a noob.

Anyway, ubers are Pokemon that are too powerful for the normal metagame since they make around 90% of Pokemon obsolete with their insane stats/movepool (Wobbuffet has a small movepool, but you should get at least one kill/free set-up with it) and should kill around 2-3 "normal" Pokemon before they die.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
Just explain this to me: Why does everyone hate ubers? Just because they have overpowered stats that doen't make them unbeatable. and if that is the case, then why does everyone loves Aruseus but hates the other ubers?
Sorry if I look stupid or n00bish by asking this.


Josh trainer
Just explain this to me: Why does everyone hate ubers? Just because they have overpowered stats that doen't make them unbeatable. and if that is the case, then why does everyone loves Aruseus but hates the other ubers?
Sorry if I look stupid or n00bish by asking this.

Because they don't understand that there is a uber metagame and complain that they're overpowered and cheap.


Palace Maven Spenser
Just explain this to me: Why does everyone hate ubers? Just because they have overpowered stats that doen't make them unbeatable. and if that is the case, then why does everyone loves Aruseus but hates the other ubers?
Sorry if I look stupid or n00bish by asking this.

it's mostly hatred by association.

dumb n00bs and little kids think a team of Mewtwo, Ho-oh, Deoxys, Lugia, Mew, and Latios is the ultimate team (nevermind how ridiculous that notion is).

The fact that ubers have such higher stats than standards relegates them to their own metagame, and it really is unfair to use them against standards.

As for Aruseus, I think the love is more awe than anything. It has the highest base stat total ever, an unending variety ofmovesets to compliment its 17 different possible forms, and simple newness.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
it's mostly hatred by association.

dumb n00bs and little kids think a team of Mewtwo, Ho-oh, Deoxys, Lugia, Mew, and Latios is the ultimate team (nevermind how ridiculous that notion is).

The fact that ubers have such higher stats than standards relegates them to their own metagame, and it really is unfair to use them against standards.

As for Aruseus, I think the love is more awe than anything. It has the highest base stat total ever, an unending variety ofmovesets to compliment its 17 different possible forms, and simple newness.

You're absolutely right. Couldn't have said it better. :p
But personally I don't see ubers as unfair stats freaks. I just see them as more challenging opponents that just require a little more strategy to beat. Because that's what pokémon games are all about: overcoming challenges and devising new strategies.


Well-Known Member
You're absolutely right. Couldn't have said it better. :p
But personally I don't see ubers as unfair stats freaks. I just see them as more challenging opponents that just require a little more strategy to beat. Because that's what pokémon games are all about: overcoming challenges and devising new strategies.

true but an uber can generally take out 2 to 3 pkmn on someones team just for the person using an uber to send out another one, it should be challenging but it should also be interesting because if everyone uses the same ubers to counter the ubers that others use it becomes boring, plus if you really think thet game is about strategy how can you justify the use of an uber that requires no real strategy at all because of the sheer power it has?

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
I said strategy to beat them not to use them.


I said, Bring It ON!
uber is a term used by cry babies and sore losers when they lose to a team of ridiculously strong pokemon like ho-oh. if you want to see an entire argument, search for "what makes a pokemon master" in the general pokemon disscussion