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A Barn Owl.


As you know, halloween is but a week away, so in the "spirit" (excuse very bad ghost pun) of the season, i made this Barn owl. I know its small, that's because it started out as a simple vector piece, but just evolved. Took me a little less than two days once i had a mindset on what i wanted it to look like, and i whipped together a really bad background because the owl itself it the main focus. Did a Barn owl cause its my favorite owl, always loved their heart shaped faces and the really uncharacteristic soft black eyes. i really exxagerrated the rusty feathers around the eyes, but i sorta like it there.
All done on Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0.
I personally like it, but i'm really starting to want a tablet now >.<
<babbles on and on and on>
finally, here it is.

edit posted the smaller beaked version, since the irregular length seemed to be what got to people :D

CC away!
Last edited:
The eyes look a bit too big. The beak looks too long. The head just doesn't seem right either. Other than that, it's a really nice drawing and I love how you coloured it so smoothly.


thanks umbreon, glad you like it
and onpu, i know i may sound like a whiner trying to avoid crit, but can i ask what you see wrong with the head in general? I know the beak may seem a little long, but thats the way they are in Barn owls, although i should have put some feather cover over the edges of it.
Also, i don't see a problem with the eye size? it might once again look big, but owls have big eyes like that, as they are noctural.

anyway, thanks so far

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
I like it, but the body could be a bit plumper, it is a bird after all, the beak looks a bit long, but other wise its great, I really like the colours.

Taylor Ray

Newest shiny
Good colors nice size the beak does look long but oh well its an owl. good job 8/10


O_O Wow....I wish I could do something that good, and I have a tablet.How did you make the effect of feathers?One thing that scared me was that it has no eyes (atleast I don't see any)It kinda looks like it'll steal your soul o_O
But I still like it.


glad you guys like it, i did do a fix on the beak that i haven't posted, it looks a little less threatening with a smaller beak. Anyway, yeah, i always love the soft black eyes of barn owls.
and the feathers, lots and burning, quick brush strokes, and smudging.

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
Barn owl cause its my favorite owl, always loved their heart shaped faces and the really uncharacteristic soft black eyes.

I agree, I love Barn owls, and this does them justice! I'm not sure, the beak looks a little long, but not out of place. Well done, I really genuinely like it!


Well-Known Member
I have a tablet, and I can't draw nearly as cool as you! Wow, first banner making now drawing. It would be amazing how that would look with a tablet. I also, too, like the rusty look, very nice indeed.


Chaotic Dreamer
It looks great! The porportions look barn owl-ish to me; People are probably just a bit used to great horned owl's faces. I like the dappled shading on the chest, only complaint is that the rust colour that rings both the eyes and face looks a bit harsh, too dark. The lighting in the bg dosen't make much sense with the shading on the bird, but alone both look great :)
too bad it doesn't have a "O RLY?" sign up..

Umi Mizuno

☠ one girl army
Wow, that is really nice for something made in Elements but there's a slight distortion on the beak. And also the body of it, the concave shading makes it look irregular, or it's just me. :p


thanks guys, i posted the edited smaller beaked version. Now i think it look a little too small >.<
umi, i think your right with the shading, i should have made it look more precise to look more like feather puffs.
And i already noted the brown feathers on the eyes, and as for the eyes too lengthy? O RLY? They're practically circular...maybe your confused by the brownline coming over his right (our left?) eye
anyway, thanks for all your comments and tell me how you like the smaller beak better