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A Black Dawn Discussion Thread

Kawaii Kyuubi Kitsune

Kawai Nogitsune
This thread is due to one person mentioning that there wasn't one for my RPG: A Black Dawn. Really, I've never bothered with a discussion thread before, as I've never seen the point. Still if people want to discuss the RPG, or ask questions I guess this thread will work.

Any requests for plot twists, certain NPCs, or permission to run your own plots in the RPG will be seriously considered here as well.


Heh, happened to see this thread in the list when I pressed New Posts :D

Well, it's better to talk about things here rather than in the Sign-up thread, isn't it?
I agree with you there,sign up threads are for sign ups...or somthing like that.
So this RPG starts tommarow right?

Kawaii Kyuubi Kitsune

Kawai Nogitsune
Sort of, I live in a completely different time zone so I imagine it'll start about 36 hours from this post here.


Lovely. Started wondering wether or not you would continue going on, as there were basicly no response in 2 days.

Kawaii Kyuubi Kitsune

Kawai Nogitsune
Sorry, unstable internet and access to forums today is making it very unlikely I'll be able to post the start of the RPG today. Sorry, it'll have to wait till tomorow.

Rane: I didn't respond because there was nothing important to say.


Yeah, I figured that aswell.

By the way, will we be able to choose our starting locations, allies, current state etc etc etc or will you give us certain places to be? Like you did in the Sample PM you sent me.

Kawaii Kyuubi Kitsune

Kawai Nogitsune
You sort of get to choose, though I'll help anyone who needs help. The RPG should be ready to post in less thn 8 hours now, assuming no internet outage or forum outage. Everyone should feel free to ask last minute questions now, to avoid confusion in the RPG.


Okie, a quick rundown of the story, our purpose in it and something I've been thinking about for a heck of a time; will you control a character of your own or do you do every NPC?

EDIT: Crap that, I just saw your post in the main RPG, which has started, hooray for that. I'll get to working something out.

EDIT-2: Oh yes, forgot to ask. The area of which the story will be played out at, is it some sort of fantasy type fortress or more like a whole city? And my other thought was; is it surrounded by something? Say like a forest.

EDIT-3: Finished my post. I thought I'd give the audience a bit f background info on my character, rather than throwing him into action immediatly.
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Sorry I wasn't on yesterday.I was on a plane,with no internet,but anyway I did my first post in the main RPG.I also might only get to about,one post a day,seeing that I'm on vacation and I must put family over black dawn.
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Just about every accepted participant has posted now I believe, time to move on.

Kinda waited on most people to do their introduction posts before I made another one.

Kawaii Kyuubi Kitsune

Kawai Nogitsune
Yeah, sorry it's taken so long for me to do my second post. I've been busy. I would also like some feed back here soon, as it'll help me a bit.


Sorry for some inactivity, I'll get my post up as soon as Kawaii answers my PM.

Completely unneccesary, but a fact nevertheless. I usually call people by their initials in their account name, but I realized that Kawaii's initials might be a bit offensive to some people.