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A Black Dawn

Kawaii Kyuubi Kitsune

Kawai Nogitsune
The wheel of the gurney creaked as it was pushed due to a poorly oiled wheel. The young lady pushing it had long blond hair, black glasses, lab coat, and a stethoscope hanging around her neck. The nametag on her lab coat reads Darnda Arroway, with the word doctor recently written on just above the name with a red pen. She whistled quietly to herself, trying not to look at the body covered completely by the sheet on her way to the morgue.

Out of a side corridor another body under a sheet comes out of a side corridor in front of Darnda… not on a gurney, but floating in the air. A woman in a full witch-doctor clothing, with lots of her black hair seeming to be going in all directions, with her hands underneath the floating body and sheet, presumably levitating it.

“Long time no see Carkain Tigersoul” Darnda muttered under her breath at the person now walking in front of her. “I see your master

“Pankul is no longer of this world” Carkain spoke, no emotion in her voice at all “It is him I am taking to the morgue. He tripped over.”

“… now I really feel bad about Doctor Wyvernjack here dying trying to put his brain in a younger healthier body” Looking guiltily at the covered body on the gurney, she slowed down a bit and the gap between her and Carkain slowly widened. “The two best healers in the empire dead before they could identify, let alone cure whatever is wrong with Natsukatu. We don’t even have a list of the symptoms anymore.”

“I be more worried about it being contagious or not.” Carkain actually smiled just before finishing what she was saying, though still sounded completely devoid of emotion. “Want to celebrate us moving up in the hierarchy of this empire?”


“Another shift guarding the inescapable dungeon” Mumbled a rather indistinct guy named Gary, seeming to be wearing only a grey trench coat. He walked down the corridor, head down, not exactly looking forward to his boring day. Not when there was certain to be real combat a few floors up. “I hate getting dungeon shift, why am I on it every two days, most others have only down one shift there in their whole time in this stupid empire of evil”

A flash of lightning coming from a side corridor knocks Gary into the wall, leaving marks of burnt blood, not that such marks weren’t common around here. As Gary slumped to the floor, his trench coat starting to burn, one of his legs is grabbed and e is dragged into the side corridor. A few moments later he walks right back out the corridor, no sign of being hurt, walking in a more upbeat manner, including a skip in his step… walking in the opposite direction of the dungeon he was meant to be going to guard.

Sign ups for this RPG and the basic plot can be found URL], discussion thread [URL=http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=169110]here.

For clarity, there are two sources of medical aid in the empire: magical and non-magical. Sometimes one is better than another for certain medical problems, but most of the time it is due to not trusting one of the two that determines which a person goes to for help… and yes, seems promotion due to death of superiors is working already. I hope that inspires confidence of getting decent medical assistance if your character gets injured in this RPG.

If you are unsure about where your character will be then please contact me or another player to ask (Some of you did sample RPGs that helped place you). The details of the location are free to be made up by the players as the RPG continues, though try to remember lava pits are very difficult to have except on the bottom floor.

Basic minions, ones with nothing too special, are the only NPCs you are allowed to create and control without permission, so please ask to be allowed other NPCs in the discussion thread if you do not want to wait for me to come up with stuff. Creating a secondary character for yourself is acceptable, so is killing any NPC without permission, though some more major NPCs are certain to be powerful and more difficult to kill… also being vital to future plot, so killing major NPCs might result in other things going horribly wrong.

I warn everyone that I will be unlikely to be on much if at all tomorrow, though after that I’ll be posting once a day at most. I request that everyone else tries to keep their post number down to that too, so slower posters are not swamped. I’ll bring in some heroes next post I do.

Deaths so far: One minion, 2 major NPCs (Doctor Udogold Wyvernjack and witch-doctor Pankul Spelloyal, though technically they died just before the start of the RPG so don’t count)


I will not start in the very place I was when I did the sample req. because well, it ended with me having a staredown with Quoward :D And I'm not sure as to what you've wanted the time to be, but I assummed that it's early in the morning judging from your post.

Memories of past times...

Rane sat down and took a deep breath. The air around him had a bitter taste.
"-Lovely..." He said with a sneer. Traveling afar had taken it's toll on him and he was getting tired and most importantly, hungry. Luckily, he had brought some meat along, in case he'd have to stop and eat. Quickly gathering some branches, he laid them out in a circular pattern, held out his hand and ignited the woodwork in mere seconds.
"-And they said that having extraordinary abilites never would help me in daily life." He said to himseld, while looking at the fire. His eyes seemed to be unable to focus on anything else at that moment. Ever since he was a child, he had been faschinated by fire. It felt as if he was drawn to every aspect of it. His parents always questioned the boys odd behaviour and admire for flames. They sought the answer for many years, even taking the boy to various scholars but no one had real answers to provide. One day though, in Ranes early teens, they would find out why. This day was also the day Rane committed his first murders.

Present day. Rane sat by his little fire, cooking the peice of meat. This situation wasn't one he was fully used to. He had been forced to flee from his hometown after a job went completely wrong. Rane had been careless. Yes, the want for gold is stronger than anything else for an assassin as himself. He remembered the face of his employer so clearly.

A man was slowly walking towards Rane. Was this the man who contacted him earlier? Rane tried to get a better look of the mans face but it was covered by a hat of some sort. The man stopped in the middle of the alley, a few feet from where Rane was hiding. He didn't say anything for almost half a minute, before he called out:
"-Was this not the place we agreed on?" Convinced, Rane leaped out of the shadows, landing behind the man whom turned around.
"-Ah, nice move."
"-What do you want from me?" The man smiled and managed to look scary at the same time.
"-I hear you have certain talents son... Certain abilites."
"-I don't know what you're talking about."
"-Oh, I think you do." The man pulled out a little leather bag and threw it to Rane. He started opening it while still keeping an eye on the man. The bag contained diamonds, lots of them.
"-You keep those. And if you do what I've been told that you can do, there's more to collect." Rane hesitated. This reward was of a magnitude he'd never seen before. The little bag weighed heavily in his hand though. Eventually, he looked up, staring the man in his eyes.
"-What do you want me to do?"
[End Flashback]

Greed. It's the greatest weakness the human race has. Rane learned his lesson the hard way. He digged through his pocket and pulled out the little bag of diamonds.
"-I promised that I'd one day return you to your owner and I will... I will."
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Memories in the Rain
“Move, move, move!”

I hurried, readying the dagger in my hand as I rushed into the battlefield with the others. Monsieur Bernadette yelled out his commands as we headed bravely into the fight, killing and doing our jobs in the name of money. None of us regretted choosing this path – after all, we had nothing left BUT money, that cold hard cash which he splurged upon rum and alcohol. That was just all we have left; no family, no life, nothing… except the call of rum, the money and ourselves – The Wild Geese.

“Show em’, boys!” yelled the commander. “Show em’ how the geese fight!”

And show them we did. Slashing, spinning and turning, the call of blood sang in my veins as I ducked, whirled and jumped. Bloodlust and bloodshed ignited the glee and joy within my blood, as I danced upon the killing field. Sidestepping a poorly aimed arrow, I caught the artillery and threw it back with great force, striking the archer directly at the heart. He fell, dead. Grinning from ear to ear, I leaped towards the row of archers, my shadows flicking away the arrows heading towards me.

The sliver edge of my dagger sang under the gleaming moonlight as I mercilessly plunged it into one of the archers. The look of fear upon their faces only did nothing but excited me further, as it was with every other predator. Unable to control my bloodlust any longer, I made quick work of the other archers there with my shadows before grabbing one of the dying and plunged my elongated fangs into his neck. Coppery, sweet and enticing, the lulling taste of blood flowed into my mouth as I eagerly drank up that crimson liquid of life. But then suddenly…


Lucifer Leonheart awoke with a start.

Eyelids opened, revealing bright crimson eyes as they looked upon the familiar darkness of his final dominion. Sweat poured all over his cold body as blood pounded between his eardrums. Closing his eyes, Lucifer too in slow, deep breaths, even though his mind was telling him it was completely unnecessary. With strength beyond any human could imagine possessing, he pushed opened the lid of his beloved coffin and sat up, flaming red hair striking out against the bare surroundings of the cavern he lodged himself in.

Damnit… the teenager thought, swearing mentally as he raised a hand donning a fingerless black leather glove to ruffle up his unruly hair. Just what in the seven hells is happening to me? I keep having flashbacks…

Bee in your bonnet, Young Master?

The young-looking vampire turned to look at the giant jet-black wolf sitting before him, its mouth turned upwards into a visible smirk. Seven spikes burst out from the back of its head; all tipped blood red just like his tufted tail, which was swishing behind him. His equally crimson eyes twinkled with some form of mischief or amusement as he looked at Lucifer.

“In a way…” muttered the Median as a response, albeit rather reluctantly. “Although I’ve heard I don’t exactly dream…”

The wolf didn’t respond to that, but merely smirked once more as he made way for Lucifer to get out from his coffin. Standing in his original fifteen-year-old form, Lucifer wore a crisp, ruffled blood red shirt that was unbuttoned, showing off the lean muscles of his abs. A simple pair of jet-black cargo pants he chose to wear, along with equally black shoes. His charm –gold with a ‘L’ hanging from it- swung around the pale marble column of his throat as the boy turned, grabbed and slung his bayonet over his shoulder.

“Well, ever mind about that dream. Its not night yet… but I guess Monsieur Natsukatu would be expecting us,” said the young teen as he exited his cave, the wolf trailing behind. Making sure that the cavern would not be intruded upon, Lucifer then headed towards his boss’s place for his newest job on the list.

Knightblazer ;262;
Sakratu looked at the many deceased rebels.The horrible stench of decay filled the room.However he loved going on missions to kill the opposion or to assasinate."Uh,sir should we get out of here"One of his fellow troops broke his thinking.He looked at his small army of 20 soldiers."Come on men,lets get some drinks!"He said with a harty laugh"To celebrate!"His troops looked at him funny,normaly he was silent.But then again he had just met his battalion,for he had finnaly gotten permission from natsukatu to lead small armies.

Sakratu walked nanchalantly out of the worn down base,"More and more reblellions and riots pop up every day,eventually not even I will be able to stop them"he thought to himself.He looked at the twilight,it would be dark soon.He and his battalion eventually got to the small nearby town,and eventually the pub.Everyone crowded down in fear at sakratu,he was well known around these parts,but not just for reasons during the day.

He yelled to the bartender"Get me and my boys some ale!"

"You got it sakratu."the bartender yelled back"on the house!"

The bartender was probaly the only person who wasn't afraid of him,maybe because he served Sakratu so much.He visited this place a lot,there was a mountain close by.It was there where he trained his skill with the blade.His ale came first then he watched as his men's beers slid down the counter.He smirked as they all drank and mingled with other people.Sakratu just muttered under his breath"Two hours till nightfall"

Sakratu just chugged down his ale,"I'm going to go into the forest"He said"Men,meet me back at the fort,in the morning"His men were puzzled,but they agreed to the strange request.

He ran out of the pub dizzy,not from the alchohol however,but from his transformation,he wiped sweat from his forehead as he ran into the forest,and shed his armor for the night.Large black hairs grew on his body and his eyes became pure yellow,he grew fangs as well,then he howled twards the moon,a werewolf.
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The Burnt Shadow

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
I sat quietly in a carriage carrying a soldier who I have injured with my blade. He wasn't dead, only injured. I had no intention of killing him yet. I sat cross legged at the exit of the carraige, focusing my mind on my mental abilities. I picked up two stones and held them both in my palms. I took a deep breath and concentrated. It's been quite a while since I used my powers, I had to start with something basic and small before I could bend the wills of others. I began with just taking small breaths and concentrating my mind. I soon felt a slight movement on the stones, but this could've just been natural movement. I needed to move it more. Concentrating harder, I used my mind to pick the stones from my hand. I then used my mind to move them around a bit. I was regaining strenght and mental awareness.

"Hey," the soldier who was controlling the horses said. I instantly lost focus and the stones fell off the wagon. I still needed to work on my mental strenght, I used to do this with extreme calmness and silence. I turned around to see why this soldier was calling me," Be on guard, I've just been told that the traitor Xevestivus has managed to escape the prison. He must've been the one who stabbed this poor soldier."

"You don't say," I hissed as I looked at the scenario," This man must truly be dangerous and cunning, but I'm wondering. Couldn't he have been misunderstood?"

"Misunderstood you say?" the soldier said with a hearty bark," That traitor gave away most of our medical supplies to those blasted heroes. We were lucky that one of Emperor Nasutukatu's officials was there to stop the villain. Could you imagine what would happen if he was still loose?"

"I have a slight clue," I replied as I imagined the eternal torture I would engulf my enemies with.

"But luckily we have several reliable soldiers to take him down," the soldier replied," Take me for example, strong, brave and strong hearted."

I then closed my eyes and blocked out all the rubbish this soldier was saying, such useless descriptions about himself. Normal soldiers can't handle me or my powerful psychic power. I then recalled the day I was betrayed by that official. The heroes came to take the medical supplies. They surrounded the carriage and the soldiers it carried. We all fought well, but I fought with calmness. I would've had all of them thrown into Nasutukatu's dungeon, but that official came and struck me down. I was soon taken into court and tried by Nasutukatu. I trusted him that he would see through the official's deception since I served loyally under him, but he judged me guilty.

He explained that his most loyal official wouldn't lie to him and always saw me as an enemy. Hearing this gave me anger and hatred towards my old master. I vowed that all my enemies would pay a harsh and savage death, especially that old fool. I then opened my eyes and saw that we were arriving close to the town. Now it was time for me to leave. I then clenched my fist and looked at the rider. I then placed my palm right at him and focused. My mind soon grabbed him and threw him away. He was thrown on the road, the path where the carriage was following. It wasn't long before he saw the wheels and hooves of the horses trample his face and body. I then threw the injured soldier away and rode towards town. Only soldiers would have known about my escape and not many people recognize my face now. I took off the uniform and looked ahead.

Once again, the empire shall hear the name of Xevestivus...

Raposa Dalua

"I see the little sillhouetto of a man..."

A strange, yet nonetheless familiar looking figure could be seen walking down the dim corridor of the empire, mouthing odd words that made no sense. This person was quickly passed by a skipping freak of nature in a blue dress, whose twin tails were flailing behind her in a circular manner. She only slowed once to spin before bursting into the next line of her song, which she sang most vigorously.

"Scharamouch, Scharamouch, will you do the Fandango?
Thunderbolt and lightning - very very frightening me!"

This odd little girl continued humming the tune to the song amusedly as she unlocked the door to her only, most favorite area in this entire place- her own, private kitchen. She slammed the door shut behind her as she flounced inside, looking around at the bright white walls that were illuminated with the equally bright white lights. The pots and pans she held so dear hung exactly where she left them after washing them the night before, the knives and other cutlery she loved so much sat just where she left them after slicing up the meat for last night's dinner (and, of course, their own vigorous washing~), and the refridgerator remained untouched from the prying hands of midnight snackers. She paused for just a moment to take in the silence, sights, and smells of a perfectly unused kitchen, then set about messing up the place. Ah, the joys of working as the best chef in the greatest of kitchens; it was truly an honor.

"I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me~."

Her tails extended this way and that as she passed the cupboards, already subconciously grabbing what she needed for cooking while she was thinking about what to make. Natsukatu was a cat, so the meal would obviously be meat oriented, even if it was breakfast time. Either way, it would be a simple meal, since it was only breakfast. Perhaps salmon or codfish flavored riceballs? A delicately spiced omelet stuffed with ham or steak, maybe some vegetables? Chicken flavored pancakes with a side of fruit (no grapes, of course)? Ah, what to do, what to do...

"Hmm, omelet sounds good for this morning I bet," she smiled cheerily, "He can have it with a side of that yeastless bread I baked, he seemed to like that... Ooo! The lactose-free milk will make a nice touch, and eeh, gotta remember not to put cheese in the omelet... unsalted butter is a good thing too..."

She set about making the meal, checking and re-checking to make sure all food items were cat friendly. It just wouldn't do to get fired for giving him diarrhea, or liver problems, or randomly putting him into a coma, after all. She started up where she left off in her song as she got back into the swing of things, humming merrily as she started up the stove.

Kawaii Kyuubi Kitsune

Kawai Nogitsune
Gary’s stride in the wrong direction brought him straight to Natsukatu’s special kitchen, the private one with only one cook and only prepared food for Natsukatu himself, except when special occasions demanded good food for someone else important. Raising a hand he knocks on the door gently, a burst of lightning and fire creating a few small explosions in time with the knocking making it seem a lot louder. A hand out on the door and a faint click as the lock opened…

“I am sorry to disturb si…” Gary spoke loudly, though his voice was more soft than deep. He pushed open the now unlocked door stepping uninvited into the kitchen, seeing the mistake he was about to say and correcting it. There before him he saw the beautiful hybrid that was Kalui. “… madam. I’m here to deliver the special medication Natsukatu needs to get over his illness. Doctor’s orders.”

Not what I expected, another shapeshifter, this will be a lot harder than I hoped. Hopefully I can bluff my way through this and she doesn’t notice what I am as easily as I saw through her.

“I have the medication to mix through the food right here,” He spoke, drawing a small silver case out from under his trench coat. Opening it up revealed a few vials of some white powder, as well as some simple white and blue capsules. Noticeably one spot for a capsule was empty due to Gary palm it out when he opened the case. “I will have to also make sure you don’t do anything to ruin the potency of the drugs during the preparations. The capsules are for if the powder isn’t strong enough.”


“So stage one is in progress” Spoke one of many figure covered in white robes, distinct due to being only half the size of the others, standing upon a hill top looking over Natsukatu’s stronghold. “Infiltration by a certain chaotic element to disrupt all order remaining in the foul distorted minds of the villains. I know there are some suspicion as to agent S’s motivation, but it was the only choice for the job, so no one is to complain”

“Yeah, we know, nor complaining about these itchy robes either” The voice was female hidden under a different robe. “Being that we’re all known heroes if we are spotted up here they’d know our weaknesses and probably be able to rapidly get whatever they needed to take us out, if they could see who we were. Wish it was snowing up here so we’d at least blend in though.”

“Our orders are to monitor the situation as long as possible to determine best time for the bulk of our forces to make a coordinated attack” It was the short one speaking again. “If we are forced to abandon our position, we’ll just have scout team 2 take position wherever they’ve planned to be to continue our job. If we lose our position AND fail to retreat think of it as dying for the greater good.”


Unexpected Rendesvouz...

Sleep... Rane was tired. Almost a whole day had passed since he'd last closed his eyes and relaxed. And for the first time in said day, Rane wasn't afraid. Although that was about to change.

Distant sounds came from far away. A thought immediatly emerged itself in his brain:
"-People!" Blindingly fast, he got up on his legs and climbed up in a tree. The voices was getting louder now, they were heading his way.
"-...the surroundings! Ha! How many people can there possibly be around here?"
"-Quiet you fool. We will do what we were told to do. If you don't like it... well no one's forcing you to stay." These voices, two of them, were now mere meters away from him. He couldn't see wether or not there were more. The sound of footsteps stopped.
"-What now old man?"
"-Old man? You kids have no respect. My powers are still far superior to your own, thus the reason why we're stopping."
"-Superior to whom you say?" But the old man didn't seem to answer. The paranoia started bubbling within Rane almost immediatly. These people had certain powers, what if they'd seen him. But:
"-Simon, there's someone around here." Rane's heart started beating faster.
"-My name isn't..." But the person called Simon seemed to have been interupted again.
"-Stay here." The man walked away, leaving his protege behind.
"-Whatever you say, old man."

Short post. If no one posts before the next time I get my hands on a computer, I'll edit in the rest. For now, time limits actions :D
Sakratu ran down thru the forest killing everything in his path,from animals to other people.Suddenly he stood upward,as if he heard somthing,and he did."It went this way come on!"Rebels no doubt,trying to kill him,no common man would ever dare go after him.

Suddenly he saw shadows of men moving twards him,Rabidly sakratu ran tward them ripping though one of the rebel's skin"AAAGHHH!"the human said in a blood curdling scream.Who looked like the leader suddenly yelled out"He got jim,GET HIM!"

The 6 men charged unwittingly at sakratu,under estimating his stength.From the start he howled and sliced through two of them.The rest were surprised for a second.Then sakratu felt sick,he turned around and saw two men,with silver blades.With out a challange he picked up one of the rebels and threw him before Sakratu blacked out,or the rebel stabed him.Unwittingly the blade implaed the two other rebels,and their blades him,leaving only the leader,who pulled out his shotgun,filled with silver bullets.

Sakratu ran through the forest avoiding bullets that barely missed him,luckily he was smart enough to keep moving until finnaly he got to Natsukatu's castle.Cornnered Sakratu turned around,but the man had dropped his shotgun,which was shelless and got out a tarquilizer dart gun,he fired making a direct hit.Sakratu's increased weight made him go through the wall,because of this he was bleeding badly,but then be fore he blacked out he heard"Wait,this castle belongs to...damn,you're spared tonight...Sakratu."Then all went dark.


La Melancolie Noir
OOC: Well, I don't have much to do after how I replied to my sample post, but I guess I'll come up with something...
The sun that had just risen over the treetops touched Nettle's face with a warm ray of light. This caused the tired little elf to open her eyes and quickly look down to avoid the glare of a bright sun on the rise. It had been a well-rested yet dreamless night for Nettle, which was good after the fight with the shadow creature she had the night before. In fact, she still had not recovered all the energy she lost to the creature's draining powers.

For the next few moments, Nettle just took time to relax a bit, to contemplate things. She thought about mornings back in the Mystic Star Forest, her homeland... glorious sunny mornings, filled with an energy about the trees that seemed to sing, celebrated by chirping birds or rabbits running around to sunbathe or look for food. Such wonders could not possibly be experienced in the smaller forest she had just walked through to get here, for there were tigers and hawks and other predators on the prowl at this hour, to scare the little squirrels and rabbits, and to lower the level of peace and joy in the area. Speaking of this area, the next thing Nettle thought about was the empire, and her duties in it. She was off her job yesterday and today, and possibly tomorrow because no one told her about any new tasks she was to fulfill.

Then Nettle thought about Natsukatu, that vile little cat who seemed to be in control of everything... And, in turn she remembered a goal she made earlier to get rid of this Natsukatu, to overthrow him and to make the world a better place for everyone. To do this, she decided not to take a violent approach, to still remain loyal for a while... Wait, to still remain loyal?

Nettle had to try to mantain and raise her status in the empire. She didn't have any duties to fulfill now, but maybe that was just because the other henchmen seemingly forgot about her... Anyways, Nettle got up and turned away from the sun and the lake that reflected its light, waking back through the woods towards Natsukatu's main headquarters. As she moved on, she gradually quickened her pace, until she was nearly running, hastily dodging the trees and lifting branches out of her way, yet still careful not to make too much sound.

About fifteen minutes later, Nettle found herself out of the woods and at the edge of a meadow. In the distance was a familiar building surrounded by a sort of wall--the lair of her master and the place she got her duties and information from. So she ran straight across the meadow without stopping beforehand, this time as fast as she could--she didn't want to see any time wasted now. And finally, after leaping over a log that was in the way, she came to a stop in front of a gate leading into the headquarters. Trying her best not to look too tired, she walked up to the gate and muttered something--a password of some sort. The gate opened and closed after she walked in.

Nettle started heading over to the main building. As she did, she spotted a centaur standing next to a large metal door. This centaur was one she knew as one of her co-workers--apparently today he was given the duty of guarding this door. But he didn't do anything as Nettle walked past him and entered the building, for he knew her as well.
OOC: Yeah, what a plain post... oh well. Anyways, the centaur I talked about isn't that important, just another henchman...


One of you...

"-Who are you and what are your purpose here?" Rane snarled in the younglings ear.
"-Hey, let me go!" He tried to free himself out of the grip Rane had on him but to no success. Numerous years of practicing assassination had only improved his already good ambush skills and manoeuvers.
"-Tell me!" Rane could feel his anger rising and that was never a good thing. He prepared to kill the youngling and go after the old man when suddenly, his whole body freezed and a voice said:
"-I would not advice you to do what you were planning on doing." The old man stepped out of the bushes holding his hand stretched out infront of him, pointing at Rane. "Let him go. Now." Rane was powerless to do anything when the grip he had on the youngling was loosened. This man seemed to have the ability to control ones actions and maybe even read minds or something.
"-Get over here Simon." The kid, apparently named Simon, fell to the ground and clinched his neck, coughing. The old man continued. "Let me ask the same question to you. Who are you and what are you doing here?" Clinching his teeth, Rane replied:
"-Don't you already know?"
"-I do" the old man said with a smile "But my young apprentice here doesn't."
"-Hey, I'm not your apprentice! And for the record, I say we kill this guy right here and now." Simon faced Rane and formed some sort of ball of energy in his hands.
"-No, we won't!" The man yelled and held his other hand at Simon whom seemed to have frozen to.
"-Master Aldric, let me go!"
"-Fool! To have spoken my name infront of a stranger."
"-As you have with mine!"
"-I outrank you!" The old man, Aldric, seemed to have gained a massive amount of body size as he said this. Simon remained quiet while Aldric continued, now facing Rane.
"-You know our names stranger which makes you a problem. But still, I don't sense evil over you and I know... Yes, you're one of us aren't you? You have certain abilites, just like us." Rane remained quiet.
"-I'm asking you now, are you a friend or a foe?"

This was not a comfortable situation for Rane. He'd never liked being around too much people and socializing wasn't his strongest attribute. And now, he was being led to the group which Simon and Aldric was a part of. Numerous people, almost all dressed in white robes, gave him strange looks as he passed by them. Suddenly, they came to a halt. Aldric turned and faced Simon.
"-You stay here." Simon was about to say something when Aldric held his finger infront of him. He then turned to Rane. "Come with me."

Aldric lead Rane to a hilltop, where a number of people stood, one whom was about half the size of everyone else. All of them, save for one person, wore white robes. Before Aldric could speak, the short individual spoke.
"-Aldric! What is this? Have your last brain cell fled you at last?"
"-Pardon me, but this man... The reason for his own presence here is of no harm to us. Quite the opposite, infact." The little one spoke again.
"-Regardless, of his agenda here, letting a stranger just walk into our encampment... Your actions only enforce my doubt about you Aldric."
"-Yet still" a female voice spoke, coming from the person with a different robe "Aldric may not be too far off this time."
"-Oh? Do excuse me for my worries then. The lone fact that we are here puts us in peril but I suppose good ol' Aldric knows what's best for the group." The short one snorted. The female spoke again:
"-Tell us stranger, what is your name and what are you doing in these woods?"


The names of these people, the short one and the female, will be left out for Kawaii to decide, as it is characters you came up with. If you feel that I might've crossed the line and bunnied the two leaders (are they?) of the group or not then tell me so and I will either edit my post or something like it.

Kawaii Kyuubi Kitsune

Kawai Nogitsune
OOC: I am sorry but I am forced to give up on this RP. Recently I've been ill and unable to manage to understand the posts here due to how the illness has been effecting me. I am recovering but I feel unable to statisfy the plot needs for this RPG, due to needing to do a lot of plnning that I should of done before starting this RPG.


Aww, what a shame. Oh well, I hope you recover quickly.