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A Different Kind Of Misty! (314)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
A Different Kind Of Misty!

Heading towards Mauville City, Ash & Co. meet a trainer and his Plusle And Minun who look after a lighthouse in the misty plains. However Team Rocket want to steal the rock that holds the light. Can they be stopped?

Visit The Episode Guide



Its almost time
This episode was disapointing. Here I was during summer complety not waiting for Jump for Joy but instead A different kind of Misty to see Plusle and Minun and all I get was "Purey." and "Mimi." I sure hope "Cheer Pressure" is gonna be better



Mmmm...It's a real shame I missed this episode, I would have loved to hear Plusle and Minun's voices, even though they are predictable. Your review suprised me El Ludicolo, I would have thought this episode would have been a great filler.

Factory Head Noland

I quite liked this episode. Well it was a pointless filler, what do you expect?


Izit cuz I is black?
Actually, this episode linked very well into Jirachi Wish Maker- it talked about Ash being a destined trainer and you even saw him next to the shadow of a Flygon (this created all sorts of Trapinch-catching rumours)


Old Coot
ChaosMage said:
Actually, this episode linked very well into Jirachi Wish Maker- it talked about Ash being a destined trainer and you even saw him next to the shadow of a Flygon (this created all sorts of Trapinch-catching rumours)
o_O I dunno what you're talking about considering Satoshi was NOT being focused on in the sixth movie. Heck, I don't even know where you're coming up with this Flygon shadow cause there was no such thing. If you're talking about a destined trainer, take a look at the guide:

Izuna and Kazuchi show Ash and co a small inscription on the pedestal. They explain that it states that one day the stone will fall under attack and a mysterious boy in blue with a Pikachu will cease the attack. Kazuchi adds in that the person will teach the stone's protector how to defend himself, and in doing so, the protector will dispend whatever evil befalls it.

And he did exactly that. Nothing about trainer or legend or anything of the sort. He had a PIKACHU next to him, not a Flygon. o_O


Yes you're right it was talking about Ash obviously when they talked about the legendary trainer with the Pikachu next to him. But it wasn't a legendary Pokemon though, any who I liked the episode Ash being my favorite character it was pretty cool knowing he is a chosen one.


Dull Manga Avatar
EliteTrainerRaven said:
If you're talking about a destined trainer, take a look at the guide:
Izuna and Kazuchi show Ash and co a small inscription on the pedestal. They explain that it states that one day the stone will fall under attack and a mysterious boy in blue with a Pikachu will cease the attack. Kazuchi adds in that the person will teach the stone's protector how to defend himself, and in doing so, the protector will dispend whatever evil befalls it.
*Reads quote*
*Looks at guide*

...ah. Another GN77 guide. As is all too common, it's dead wrong on critical points. The story of the Legendary Hero was not a prophesy of the future, but a tale of the past, of a hero dressed in blue, with a Pikachu, who brought the stone to the village long ago.


Izit cuz I is black?
Is it another episode where you see a Flygon shadow? Or was I dreaming. Which is strange, since I normally dream about particularly large pies. I HAVE A THUNDER BADGE! BTW what you have read here is a lie. ALL LIES!!!


Old Coot
The Flygon shadow is a completely different episode. o_O That would be Skitty and Delcatty! Enter the Legendary Pokémon Coordinator!!

Btw, it was GN.
I thought this was one of the better fillers. It was cool how close Ash and Pikachu were, being able to hear each other from a distance. The stone itself was cool too. By far, my favorite part was seeing Plusle and Minun. They were so Kawaii!!!!

Overall rating:
7.9 out of 10!!
We need more fillers like this, interesting, yet showing off new Poke'mon(Johto never acheived this).


this episode kinda made mr dissapointed cause i thought that this ep will be about Misty.


Team Awesome
You know, if I didn't hate that kid's second episode so much ("Cheer Pressure"), and if the idea of a light stone didn't leave me still scratching my head and going "HUH?!?!", I might like this episode better. It had a few highlights, though, like the kid himself (he wasn't all that bad, and neither was his sister), and Ash responding to Jessie's comment before Team Rocket even appears (LOL). Still, this episode has too much against it for me to really like it.


Yeah, ok!
vulpix said:
this episode kinda made mr dissapointed cause i thought that this ep will be about Misty.

Lol, which is why I'm glad 4kids chose the title. There's nothing better then to use a pun from an older character to promote the fog and mist in this episode.

::waits for "A Different kind of May" to be used in a future episode, most likely a contest ep ::


Well-Known Member
I really though Misty was going to be in this epi but Plusle made the epi 10 times better then Misty ever could


Well-Known Member
I loved Plusle and Minun, did anyone notice when he was gaged, his entire face was covered up besides his eyes? That means he can`t breaathe!o_O

I looved when Plusle and Minun played with Pikachu, and that the Title made me ( Omg Misty returns after only 30+ episodes?)


Well-Known Member
Not the best of episode, I think it would've been better if they explained the Light Stone abit more instead of just shoving it off to the side in favor of Thatcher feeling sorry for himself, add to that i've never been a big fan of Plusle and Minun. Lastly I think the dub title was abit misleading since when I first heard the title I thought Misty was going to be returning to the series.