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A Family That Battles Together, Stays Together! (005)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
A Family That Battles Together, Stays Together

Returning Home after his Journey through Johto, Brock discovers that things at the gym have changed. His mother is trying to turn it into a Water Gym and its up to Brock to stop it with his Rock Pokémon. Can he do this?

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Shiny May

I thought this was also a good special. Nice how Flint let Misuho get away with the fact that she turned a rock gym into a water gym. The battle between Flint and Misuho was also very easy for Misuho to win because Flint didn't want to loose from her and she knew that !!
Good to see that Brock battled her and saved the gym and let the gym in the hands of his little brother Jiroo. Too bad he gave away his pokemon but they are some good pokemon for Jiroo to defend the gym!
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Factory Head Noland

I had this episode but only watched the start (can't remember why...).
I never will understand why he gave Jiroo his Crobat because it's a Rock type Gym.

Crystal Latios

Hmmm.... I still can`t belive, that girl is Brock`s Mother. She looks pretty young.
Also, she is cool. I mean, she is not so mature like a Lady only very...hmm.... you know, girlish :p

Brock had a nice fight with her. I liked it^^

Shiny May

I never really understood it but is Misuho Brock's actual mother ?! Because he was kinda shocked when he saw her in the living room.

And why Brock gave Crobat to Jiroo ? I don't know exactly, probably just to defend it and to use it when necessary.


Shiny May said:
I never really understood it but is Misuho Brock's actual mother ?! Because he was kinda shocked when he saw her in the living room.

Heck, Id be shocked if I saw some stranger in my living room too. :p

Cute episode. Misuho is just full of energy, isn't she? n.n() Heehee.


Battle Factory Champion
I have this episode availible on download, but because the quality's so good, my PC's too slow to run it properly, it seems to take like 2 minutes to play the first freakin 20 seconds of it.

zonic the hedgehog

Murgatroyd said:
Yes, she is his actual mother.
But i thought his real mother died, and she was just a stepmother...


Dull Manga Avatar
Dub change. In the English episode, they said she died. However, the corresponding line in the original Japanese says that she left home.


Izit cuz I is black?
Maybe that's why it wasn't dubbed, would affect the continuity in the dub if Brock's mother came back from the dead


Battle Factory Champion
Murgatroyd said:
Dub change. In the English episode, they said she died. However, the corresponding line in the original Japanese says that she left home.

Why can't they just translate what was said in the original? I know matching the mouth-flaps can be difficult for any writer, but please follow the storyline! Jeez!


Old Coot
Two things to note with this special.

Is that Romi Paku's voice doing Jirou's voice? o_O I detect a hint of Edward Elric and Ken Ichijouji in his voice.

And anyone who's seen this special notice how SMALL Onix has gotten? Before it used to nearly reach the roof of the gym. Now when it's on the rock, it barely touches the roof. o_o

Ororo Munroe

zonic the hedgehog said:
But i thought his real mother died, and she was just a stepmother.
She's his real mother. What's worse than the dub calling her dead is that I've seen on many sites that she's supposedly Brock's and all his sibling's mom but that they all have different dads. That makes no sense since they all look like Flint. Anybody know what started people thinking Brock and his siblings all had different dads?


Well-Known Member
I just have to say that this is probably the first time in awhile that the dub title is longer than the original Japanese title. Usually, the Japanese title is much longer. Anyone else notice this?

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
I wonder if Flint's lie about her dying will ever be called into question. On the surface it makes more sense for him to have said so, simply because it took blame away from her as to why she wasn't there, and he'd want to cover for her...and something tells me that Brock has no idea what he's been saying.

Least if I was writing for the dub, I'd have something in there about that. Odds are better that they just forget Flint even said such a thing.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
ChaosMage said:
Maybe that's why it wasn't dubbed, would affect the continuity in the dub if Brock's mother came back from the dead
nope they've dubbed it

I want to see this!

and the never actually said 'she died' did they? remember Flint lied to Ash when he first arrived in pewter city

and yes this is he only Dub title that is longer than an actual jap title


Yeah, ok!
Flint said "Brock's mother passed away" in that episode.

I'm willing to bet that 4kids will ignore that line altogether now, they don't seem to care about continuity anymore.
Cybercubed said:
Flint said "Brock's mother passed away" in that episode.

I'm willing to bet that 4kids will ignore that line altogether now, they don't seem to care about continuity anymore.

I know I just saw that it goes

"His good for nothing Farther left the family to become a Pokemon Trainer, the family never heard from him again. And his mother tried to keep it together but sadly she passed away."

So I bet 4kids will muck it up. Like the Seviper thing.