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A Few of My Sprites


Notice how I put 'A Few', so yeah it means it's a fraction of all of my sprites.

Anyways here you go's.

- LOL I did this outta' boredom.

- One of my sprites that I'm very proud of.

- No Comment.

- Igglybuff/Cleffa Mix.

- Simple Mew/Espeon Mix.

- I suck at two-tone shading.

- Articuno/Ninetales mix.

- My favorite recolor.

- LOL Satoshi/Ash.

K, C & C now.
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ZOMG, your sprite thread. <.<;;

Err let's see, the Espeon/Swellow and Ninetales/Articuno don't have enough from what they were mixed with imo. The Igglybuff/Cleffa looks a bit wierd with both of their hair things. Ash's colors seem a bit dark. And...that's all I guess.


Staff member
On the Pichu-Bellossom, the Pichu face looks kind of fat for the flowers on it. Maybe you should make them bigger. On the Lairon-Tyrannitar there's some checker-shading you might want to get rid of. Also, the face looks kind of like it doesn't fit. On the Espeon-Swellow, if it's intended to be a mix, you should add more Swellow in there. If it's not, it's very good, the only thing I'd suggest is to make the shading a bit smoother on the tail. On the Cleffa-Igglybuff, it looks weird with both of the hair things. Also the face looks a little small for the body. On the Espeon-Mew, there's some weird white pixels next to it. This was most likely a transperization error. On the mix itsely, I really like this one, the only crit I have is where you join Espeon's tail with Mew's tail, Mew's tail is slightly fatter, so it looks a little strange. On the Ampharos-Flygon, there's a lot of checker-shading, but I think it's there on purpose. It doesn't look very good, so I'd suggest removig it. The only other crit I have for that one is that the arm looks like it's halfway behind the tail, but that might be just because the hand is small. For the Ninetales-Articuno, it needs more Articuno in it. It's also got some checker-shading on the wings, and the mane thing has a weird outline. For the Umbreon, it's good except for the eyes. If you shaded the eyes, that would make it look a lot better. And last, but not least, Ash. His clothes look a bit dark, and the outline is choppy on the recolored parts. Most official sprites weren't made to be recolored, so you usually have to re-outline.
Overall, your sprites are very nice, I'm only being nit-picky to help you becaome a better spriter :D.