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A few sprites of mine.


Make a Wish
First off, DO NOT STEAL. Do you know how hard I worked on these? HARD. SO DON'T STEAL!

Diaruga and Parukia morphs. what do you think of them?

Harley sprite, D/P style.

Thing is probably one of the best sprites I've ever made. IT PWNZ JOO!

the Rentoraa Chimera.

so, what do you all think?


Pokemon Shaman
I like the morphs, but you mixed 3rd and 4th gens, which is kinda... odd.

Harley's outline is all black, it needs to have some color in it. ^^

Your... Lugi... Sala... thing, is kinda strange. It's wings are bent backwards from it's pose, and it's talons are HUGE.

ZOMG Fullmetal Alchemist. *claps hands together* The chimera is very cool. ^^ Is it Flygon's back end? I think it's creative on how instead of fusing, you made it more half and half.

May seem negative, but seriously, good job! Keep up the good work! ^^


Make a Wish
Thanks very much, and it's Rayquaza's tail.