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A good pokemon suggestion, any pokemon.


Azelf Protector
I read the rules and I don't think this is against the rules. If it is I am sorry. Any pokemon suggestions? I really need help.


Well-Known Member
For the Pkmn in your sig?


Azelf Protector
Kind of, but a replacement for Butterfree. I need a good pokemon and I would not mind getting it at a lower level. I like to raise my pokemon.


Gen 6 = <3
How about a Nidoking or a Nidoqueen? I think they are good to use and help keep a balance in your team. its just a suggestion there are probably better suggestions anyway. :)


Well-Known Member
Hmmm Arcanine would do you good. Also try Alakazam, Gengar, or Flareon


Azelf Protector
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll think about it. I do like nidoran and that bunch but I'm trying to branch out. I just might use on though. It's on the list up there! Thanks!
Maybe a Skarmory, or maybe Marowak. Marowak is a solid pokemon with good stats if you raise it right.


Azelf Protector
Well, actually, I already have a Flareon in the box. Maybe it's time to get it out... I think I just might do that. I'm going to the moveset forum to display it's moves. If you want you can comment on them.


Well-Known Member
~ Body Slam /
~ Overheat
~ Shadow Ball
~ Quick Attack /
HP Grass /
HP Fighting
@ Leftovers / Choice Band

this heres a good flareon moveset.


Toon link
you should have a tyranitar in there he'd be good

tyranitar-holding lefovers
moves-dragon dance,rock slide,toxic,earthquake or ice beam or thunder or thunder bolt


Well-Known Member
or metagross.


Azelf Protector
lol, thanks, I've decided it will be Flareon, which is a fire. I'm trying to perfect his moveset but unfortunately that means getting rid of the toxic I taught it, I'm very disappointed. Anyways, I can't get Tyranitaur since I haven't beaten the Elite Four yet and this is why I'm trying to get good pokemon and I can't get Metagross because I don't have 2 GBA's. I just have a DS and GBA and since they're not compatible with each other, I'm pretty much screwed.