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A Hole Lotta Trouble! (298)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
A Hole Lotta Trouble!

While Training on Dewford Island, Ash & Co. enter Granite Cave and accidently anger some Aron. They get chased, bump into Team Rocket and end up seperated. Will they be able to find their friends before Aron arrives? Or Will a Mysterious Stranger intervene?

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So hot he's on fire.

LOVED this ep. The Aron were cute, and Steven was even cuter. XD

And he got to be SuperSteven! and jump over a crevice. <3

All-around a great ep.

Factory Head Noland

It was funny in this ep when every one kept falling down that big hole, lol.
And when that Loudred ran over Jessie!


I loved this episode because Steven was in it, he was really cool, and his Aron and Aggron were awesome...

Them falling through the hole was hilarious... plus Jessie's reaction after Loudred ran over her!

I was wondering though is Steven apart of the Elite 4? (I don't play the games so I don't know).


Team Awesome
This episode and "Forest Grumps" I love for the same reason: the twerps and Team Rocket getting mixed together and seeing how the other half lives. They did a lot of good pairing for the episode. I loved May trying to get Jessie out of the hole, James and Ash getting ready for a fight, and the loudred. The only parts I don't like are Max walking out on Meowth's tale (that was really rude) and Steven taking it out on Team Rocket for disturbing the aron. I can understand his anger to a point, but I think he was just a bit *too* ticked.


Mrs Brendan Birch ^^
A very funny episode and like everyone say's when everyone keeps falling down the holes and when the Loudred runs over Jessie's head. My little sister like's this episode too.


I got 2 of the Pokemon advanced DVD's tonight so I can see more of the Advanced eps I missed last year. And this one was funny! I haven't watched both of the DVDs yet, but I wish that "Pokeblock party was on these DVDs, I'm dyin' 2 see that ep.!





*snapes out of it* huh?! episode review? oh, right ^^;; *stashes book of steven pics* *sweatdrop*

Anyways, I thougt that this was a good episode, and not just because you know who ;) I liked the who falling down over and over again, it was funny, and i absolutly LOVED aron!! they were so cute! ^o^ it reminded me of a dog :3 Ar, Ar Ar! (lmao! almost sounds like a pirate XD) The only thing i didn't like was loudred :rolleyes: he was just irritating

Space Skitty

Hoenn Champion
I think this was a very funny episode. Everybody just kept falling for the hole! XD! Steven was also cool. Aron sounded cute. Like Sakara said, it sounded like a puppy!


My favourite scene other than whenever Steven was in it, was Ash and Brock's scene with James

This scene where the Aron are chasing them is priceless:

James: I don't deserve this!
Ash and Brock: Yes you do!
James: We'll discuss it later!

SuperSteven? now why didn't I think of that, I'm surprised he could carry two pokemon and one kid over the huge gap... but then this is Steven were talking about.


For some odd reason, i think they made Steven look fat and his mouth was too big. O_O;;;; But he's a windsurfer in a suit, otherwise.

Shiny May

I always expected Steven too be older for some reason. Don't ask me why, but I always thought so.
Anyway, the ep was cool, like the splitting up in the mountain. That was nice and the Aron and Aggron looked really cool in this ep.


I like it when the "twerps" and Team Rocket get into situations like this together. They need to work together more often! And yeah, Aron was pretty cute.


It was funny when the gang kept on falling into the same hole over and over again XD!


Codenumber 242
Aron was cool.