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A Little Trainer's Pokemon Alphabet (G, Poetry, Complete)

Pink Parka Girl

I wish I could change my username
A poem I wrote in 2002-2003ish. Short, sweet and cute. :) Some of the stanzas are better than others, in my opinion, and the meter might be a tiny bit off in places. I'm not really a poet, but I hope you enjoy it anyway ^_^

A Pokémon Alphabet for Little Trainers

It is with dread
That Absol's said
To bring us disaster -
Bad storms on lakes
Or great earthquakes
That crack brick and plaster.

It’s nice to see
The Butterfree
Sipping from the flowers.
And then they fly
Up in the sky
To pass away the hours.

With mother dead,
Upon his head
Cubone will wear her skull.
At night he cries
and sadly sighs
A melancholy call.

The Delcatty
Is quite nasty
and rather fussy too.
Its velvet paws
Conceal claws
One hopes aren’t used on you.

To watch near trees
The small Eevee
Run about in their play -
It is a sight
That will delight
You through long spring days.

Farfetch’d’s a duck
Who’s full of pluck
And rarely in retreat.
If you come near,
He’ll show no fear
And smack you with his leek.

Growlithe must
Be very tough
To set fire to logs.
Though he looks fierce
With teeth that pierce,
He’s a big puppy dog.

Hoppip’s weight
Is none too great
A feather would weigh more.
They gather up
All in a bunch
So breeze won’t make them soar.

The Illumise
Light up the skies
With the help of Volbeat.
The ladies dear
Draw the men near
With a scent that is sweet.

A bit of fluff,
Is Jigglypuff,
He wouldn’t hurt a fly.
He’d rather keep
His foes asleep
With a nice lullaby.

A loving mom
Is Kangaskhan,
Her kindness knows no bounds.
But if you touch
Her child, she’ll fuss
And pummel you with pounds.

In light of moon
You’ll see Linoone
Sprinting across the plains.
He runs quite fine
In a straight line
But curves confuse his brain.

Not very smart,
In fights he’s never winner.
He’s very weak,
By nature meek,
He’s only good for dinner.

Nidoran is
A puzzling thing,
As you will surely think:
Oh, is it true,
The girls are blue,
The boys are colored pink?

A common sight
In fields at night,
Is the friendly Oddish.
These roaming weeds
Will spread their seeds
A job that’s full of bliss.

The Pikachu
Is seldom blue
As he roams trees and rocks.
Just so you know,
He will give foes
An electrical shock.

I would suggest
You don’t molest
Quilava’s fiery spines.
While they may be
Quite nice to see
They do not feel so fine.

Bothersome pests
Who live in nests,
Rattata are a pain.
Before they die
They multiply
And eat up all the grain.

Sneasel sneaks
And softly creeps
Across the moonlit land.
You’d better fear
When he comes near
And flee - while you still can!

To catch Trapinch
Seems like a cinch
Until you see his jaws.
He waits for prey
To come his way
So down his hole they’ll fall.

The Umbreon’s
A Pokémon
Who roams the land at night.
If you should meet
Him in the street
You’re sure to get a fright.

Vulpix, you know
Is far from slow,
In fact, he’s rather quick.
His beautiful tails
Are like a sail,
His fire moves are slick.

Though a small thing
The Weedle is
Not a creature to scorn.
For he can sting
Like anything,
With his poisonous horn.

The sly Xatu
Would hardly do
For small trainers like you.
A mystic bird,
One of few words,
Whose visions will come true.

The glimmering
Of light on wings
Is Yamna, flying past.
His jewel-like eyes
Sparkle and shine
Like iridescent glass.

Zangoose's hate
makes him irate,
When Seviper goes past.
The two have fought,
But all for naught –
The battle lasts and lasts.

The human race
Has given chase
To Pokémon for years.
You’ll travel when
You’re older, then
Come home to rousing cheers!

Now fall asleep,
My little one,
Now close your eyes and rest.
For when you’re grown
You’ll be well known,
The Trainer who’s the best!

The last stanza is lacking a rhyme. Oh well. ^_^'


New Member
aww, sweet. A Pokémon alphabet!
;201-a; ;201-b; ;201-c;


That was actually rather sweet.

I could never come up with clever poetry of that nature, I shall envy you for this.