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A New Member Has Arrived!

Soaring Dragonite

Rubber Ducky
Hello, I'm Soaring Dragonite! :D I guess a good way for me to begin is to tell you a little bit about myself, correct?

Anyway, my favorite Pokemon are Dragonite, Latios, and Lugia. My favorite Pokemon character (as in the humans) is Lance. I love to play video games, and my favorite candy is chocolate! I hope I enjoy my time here and meet plenty of interesting users!


Heya welcome...im a newbie also but doesnt mean i cant greet ya lol, well ill tell you something about myself, I also love chocolate and my favorite pokemon are Sneasel, Espeon, and Skarmory, well see you around man

PS Dragonite rocks! the one in my blue version beat everything XD anyeays cya


Soaring Dragonite

Rubber Ducky
Heya welcome...im a newbie also but doesnt mean i cant greet ya lol, well ill tell you something about myself, I also love chocolate and my favorite pokemon are Sneasel, Espeon, and Skarmory, well see you around man

PS Dragonite rocks! the one in my blue version beat everything XD anyeays cya


I also like Espeon! It's the best Eevee evolution in my opinion. Thanks for saying hi!
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No problem man I think that espeon is best eevee evo but when I get an eevee in D/P im getting a Glacia because ice types are the 2nd best type IMO (next to dark) and i dont like Umbreon not the best dark moveset

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
Hey welcome to the forums, I hope you enjoy your stay;) And yeah, dragon Pokemon are cool, Ilike especially Giranta and Dragonair


Natsu no Maboroshi
Hello, I'm Soaring Dragonite! :D I guess a good way for me to begin is to tell you a little bit about myself, correct?

Anyway, my favorite Pokemon are Dragonite, Latios, and Lugia. My favorite Pokemon character (as in the humans) is Lance. I love to play video games, and my favorite candy is chocolate! I hope I enjoy my time here and meet plenty of interesting users!

Oh, welcome to the forums and have fun. I also like dragon pokémon (Especially shiny ones :)). PM if you need help, or want to be my friend.