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A New Trainer in Hoen


<- Kawaii ^^
MegaGirl said:
Hi Tenshi! I'm here to give you a tip about the inking. If you don't want to over pass the area you want to ink, try puting masking tape over the area you want to protect (before that, remove some of the adhesive by sticking it to your clothes). I haven't used ink yet, but i'm sure the tape works.
It might work, the tape would be useful if it those transparent ones... BUt... How do you take the tape out? ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


To Mega Girl :

Thanks for the tip ^^. Never thought of that actually. lol

To Champ Kevin :

The Team Aqua member has dotted eyes because noone else in the manga has dotted eyes ^^ XD I know it's a stupid reason, nut someone must have dotted eyes in here !!!!

By the way I'm going for my vacation, so I won't be back until a week. But don't worry, keep a look out for the thread as a surprise will come and a mystery will become an even bigger mystery !!! *always wanted to say that lol*
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Hello! :3
Rinrei said:
It might work, the tape would be useful if it those transparent ones... BUt... How do you take the tape out? ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Just... take it off. But you first have to make sure the tape won't break (break it is, isn't it?? >_<; ) or harm the paper.


<- Kawaii ^^
Even if you take it out, it'll mkae the paper rusty like.


Well-Known Member
Rinrei said:
Even if you take it out, it'll mkae the paper rusty like.
no, not really....^.^ masking tape doesn't take anything out of the paper if you take some of the stickyness out first....like MegaGirl said XD that was a good idea, actually....

I like this update XD I think I missed a few pages though, don't remember Kane and Ayumi having the Devon Goods o_O hope the humour comes back soon XD


OK. I'm back !! Thank you for your patience ^^

But bad news struck !! My scanner died on me for the first time T_T . This is the end, but not yet ^^

Ok. The next time I post, the latest will be post. So please keep on a lookout ^^.


Well-Known Member
Tenshi said:
OK. I'm back !! Thank you for your patience ^^

But bad news struck !! My scanner died on me for the first time T_T . This is the end, but not yet ^^

Ok. The next time I post, the latest will be post. So please keep on a lookout ^^.
how cool, updates again XDD pity your scanner died ._. hope it's fixed soon!

uhh...the latest will be post? ?_?


oooo... that's some awesome comic work! You rock! Shabu is sooooo cool


<- Kawaii ^^
XD I'm looking forward to the new updates!! One of my fav charcaters are comming!!! *Bangs head on wall*


Page 35
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Ok. I'm back with the latest updates !!

Thanks a lot Amy Rin and Eneko !!! Arigatau for the reviews !! Please enjoy the latest updates !!


<- Kawaii ^^
Yay!!! NEw updates!! X_x Finally. And yay, Kane's Pokemon!! ^^;;; And yay, DUCKS!!! 0.o;;;


I feel good ! When Kane's Pokemon finally made it's first appearence. Too bad Ayumi missed it.

And about the ducks . We might wanna know more about them ^^ hehe. Check out the FAQs for....da Ducks.....


Well-Known Member
XD finally, updates.....

Ayumi likes ducks! woot....^.^ I like how you drew her looking embarrassed XP that's how most people would react

OMFG, why is Kane using a Beautifly against a Poochyena >_< one of your cliffhangers? =D


Here are the latest updates !!!

Page 37
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Page 39

Three pages !! Enjoy !!! Okay this is almost the end of Volume 1. Just one more bonus page and everything id wraped up !!! We'll have to say hello to volume 2 soon as humour will come like raining cats and dogs ^^ lol


Well-Known Member
XDD cool....I love the new look for Ayumi, her clothes are better now....as for Kane, he looks the same o_O

btw, you spelt Shroomish wrong ^^;

oh good....more and more humour XD I can't wait for book 2


I've added a bonus page, and......VOLUME 1 has ended !!!! AND MAKE WAY FOR VOLUME 2 !!! YAY !!!

Page 40 BONUS !

Volume 2 (NEW)

Act 5

Let's hope for more new adventures. Enjoy !


Well-Known Member
^.^ yay! I love the new clothes that Kane has....except I think you left his hands out o_O in Act 5...

can you add a profile thing for Kane as well?

XD more humour! more more more!


Man did I miss ALOT. First I like Ayumi's profile, I really wonder how will she survive without knowing what an oran berry is ? So Kane has a beautifly, I was hopeing for something diffrent though. Well Ayumi got run over by an army of shroomish, If this happens to her in petal burg woods I'd hate to see what happens to her in future routes. I liked how you drew Krane in the Voulme 2 cover, "can't I have my old life back" LOL.

Deoxys Trainer

It's BACK again! Yay! Me so happy! T.T

Will there be a Christmas special?
