Sequoia said:
XD I love psychos too! eat teh tailow! eat it!!!
hey the panel next to the one where Ayumi says "Wow! Did you paint this? It's beautiful!", the dude looks like he's sticking up the rude finger
To Sequoia : Hmm... you're right

....well....I was actuallyit wasn't suppose to be da 'Bad Finger...' But then....this lunatic is that sort of person so.....Let's all make it a bad finger to all ppls who aren't innocent ^^
To Hikari and Khanom Ana : lol. Thanks a lot. I'm glad you all like this chappy. Especially the lunatic ^^. I mean it's about time he showed up, he spiced things up extremely well !!
To Deoxys : OK Deoxys ^^ I make a pic of you and Ayumi if you want. Could you explain how you wanna look like ?
To EVERYONE !!! : Sorry, I didn't post today. I was about to post. But then, I have to go for a feild trip for the day , so I missed todays updates.....Sorry ^^. I'll post tomorrow !! 100% promise !!!! I SWEAR in the name of my mum !!!!!!!!!