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A New Trainer in Hoen


Well-Known Member
I hope so, since Kane and Ayumi can exchange presents ^.^ maybe Kane can give Ayumi a book on berries and a beginning trainer guide so she won't be so....stupid XD


Hi I'm back. YAY !! Reviews !! Thanks Sequioa, Champ Kevin and Deoxys Trainer.

Here r the latest updates.

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To Sequoia : Kane's hand was left out purposely. I don't knoe., I thought it looked cute ^^.

To Champ Kevin : Yeah, Ayumi can be quite hopeless, but you can see she's trying not to be a burden. She'll learn slowly, like every trainer should.

To Doexys Trainer : Yeah, There will be a Christmas special. But I'm not sure when should I put it up......


I don't get a 1 thing. It's about the artist, since his surounded by pokemon, should'nt he get mobed by now. You its like the hardist thing in the world to be friend wilds. Ah well.


<- Kawaii ^^
Um... I can't see the link fro Act 5, sorry >_< Yay!! New pages! Phew one of my favorite characters finally came ^^;; Yay once again!


Champ Kevin said:
I don't get a 1 thing. It's about the artist, since his surounded by pokemon, should'nt he get mobed by now. You its like the hardist thing in the world to be friend wilds. Ah well.

Yeah. Isn't it ? I thought about the same thing.

If you look at it in a romantic point of view, you might be able to see that this person, must've been kind and gentle only pokemon are able to approach him without cautious.

It's quite a scene though ^^


Well-Known Member
XD ya, that scene was rather pretty...except for the dots T_T it ruins the swirly (or windy o_O) feel of the whole scene...

oh, wth...*feels stupid* I thought that dude was Ayumi because of the swirly hair, then Kane because of the pants o_O


Ok ! Here are the latest updates. ENJOY !! ^^ I know I enjoy this 2 pages

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Sequoia : lol. That guy is almost like the 2 mixed together.


LOL x800000. I really loved the fact that the dude tried to eat the taillow. LOLX90000. I feel SORRY for Krane. LOLXx100000. Any way before I die laughing, what kind of psycho would eat a taillow. I'm not even sure they CAN be eaten. Aw well life has MANY surprises.


Come to thihnk of it. I wonder what do ppl in the Pokemon world eat ? I mean it's all pokemon and no normal animals.... Well that's a mystery. I like the phycho ^^ he ROCKS !! ^^

But I must admit he's gone too far for not eating anything but tailows for a week. lol


<- Kawaii ^^
YAY!!! [SPOIL]NAME HERE[/SPOIL] has been revealed!!! YAY!!! lalalal!! Eat the tailow!! EAT IT!!! ^^;;; Sorry ^^;;


Rinrei said:
YAY!!! [SPOIL]NAME HERE[/SPOIL] has been revealed!!! YAY!!! lalalal!! Eat the tailow!! EAT IT!!! ^^;;; Sorry ^^;;

LOL. You have no mercy ^^ !!!

I've been waiting for so long for this character to appear. I'm so happy it's today !!. We all love phyco !!! *phyco fan ^^ (comedy ones only)*


That was sooooooooo funny! Ah god, I fell off my chair.........

Poor Tailow, I feel sorry for the crazy dude!! ^.^ Fantastic chapter!


Well-Known Member
XD I love psychos too! eat teh tailow! eat it!!!

hey Tenshi....in the panel next to the one where Ayumi says "Wow! Did you paint this? It's beautiful!", the dude looks like he's sticking up the rude finger o_O

Deoxys Trainer

He tried to eat the Taillow? o_O?! Hungry freak...

Nice updates, Tenshi! Can I have a small cameo? Me and Ayumi... together.... *hearts appear in his eyes*



Sequoia said:
XD I love psychos too! eat teh tailow! eat it!!!

hey Tenshi....in the panel next to the one where Ayumi says "Wow! Did you paint this? It's beautiful!", the dude looks like he's sticking up the rude finger o_O

To Sequoia : Hmm... you're right o_O....well....I was actuallyit wasn't suppose to be da 'Bad Finger...' But then....this lunatic is that sort of person so.....Let's all make it a bad finger to all ppls who aren't innocent ^^

To Hikari and Khanom Ana : lol. Thanks a lot. I'm glad you all like this chappy. Especially the lunatic ^^. I mean it's about time he showed up, he spiced things up extremely well !!

To Deoxys : OK Deoxys ^^ I make a pic of you and Ayumi if you want. Could you explain how you wanna look like ?

To EVERYONE !!! : Sorry, I didn't post today. I was about to post. But then, I have to go for a feild trip for the day , so I missed todays updates.....Sorry ^^. I'll post tomorrow !! 100% promise !!!! I SWEAR in the name of my mum !!!!!!!!!


That artist BETTER, see a doctor before he goes mad and ends up dieing, Well I wonder if he has any pokemon, smeargle would be good, why whould a guy fall in love with a paint brush


Well-Known Member
dunno....XP he seems to attract Bug Pokemon instead of Smeargle...

I love the part where he says "if you don't I'll commit suicide!" XD it's just so funny...