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A New Trainer in Hoen


Tenshi said:
Yes ! It's true I named my Mudkip SHABU ! XD ! I can't resist. And my Skitty (male) is also named Polly ! XD

because I have a male cat named Polly ! The Skitty is to honour him.

Note : I'm not like Ayumi. 100% not. Ayumi is just a character I created. We're totally different person. But then, only the Pokemon are mine. XD
Just putting this fact up, because lots of people thought I'm Ayumi XD

Yeah, I can see that in you.... especailly with me having a chat convo with you...

Does Ayumi have a sister too? Just wondering.... and I'm about to read your updates, okay?


<- Kawaii ^^
XDD!!! That part is so funny! Silcoon doesn't have a mouth XD


Cool new pages! XD I wonder whats with Kun though XD And the part where the boy says that he'd rather have Shabu instead of can food was hilarious!


:D It is so funny and cool, who have a great sense of humor :D Keep the good job ;) Your draws are amazing!

Nicole May

Meh... whatever...
Tenshi said:
New pages ! Again ! XD . Hope to go faster ! Enjoy !

Oh, goddie! Another update! Currently reading it now! You do a lot of updates quickly....

Can I ask from what anime are most of your chracters based off?

Deoxys Trainer

Pretty funny how that boy wanted to eat Shabu! I think I see a coimcshipping happening.......



Deoxys Trainer said:
Pretty funny how that boy wanted to eat Shabu! I think I see a coimcshipping happening.......


yeah, so do i.... I can't wait until Tenshi updates her comics! XP


Yay ! The last page of Act 2 and Act 3 cover is up. Promise to update soon.

Nicole May,well most of my pokemon characters are based from pokemon ! XD . Ayumi is my original creation.

Thanks to everyone who reviewed here. There maybe a shipping ......perhaps.......


<- Kawaii ^^
Wow! Cool new pages! I hope you continue! XD No Shabu... XD Yes! SHABU! XDDD


Cool new pages! XD So Kane joined Ayumi ^^ And there will be more Shabu XDD


Okay, I'm not posting new pages until a week later......Because my school reopened ! T_T So, I'll post something new in a week later......


Tenshi said:
Okay, I'm not posting new pages until a week later......Because my school reopened ! T_T So, I'll post something new in a week later......

Okay then, we'll wait for your next updates! Too bad you have school again...

Water Blue

Tenshi, could I ask you something?
I realy am liking your comics ^_^ but I can hardly read what the chracters say.
Can you at least do those with pen or somehow easier to read?


This comic is very good! I hope you update soon *Mudkip's name super LOL

Deoxys Trainer

You know, Ayumi is kinda cute......

*sees everyone staring at him*

What?! Can a guy notice these things?!



Well-Known Member
Deoxys Trainer said:
You know, Ayumi is kinda cute......

*sees everyone staring at him*

What?! Can a guy notice these things?!

^.^ i guess Ayumi is pretty cool...but i mean, i'm a girl, so i dunno what you're talking about...oh good, more updates apparently


<- Kawaii ^^

Water Blue said:
Tenshi, could I ask you something?
I realy am liking your comics ^_^ but I can hardly read what the chracters say.
Can you at least do those with pen or somehow easier to read?

Well, I could ask her to use a pen for you. I'll see what she says.

You know, Ayumi is kinda cute......

*sees everyone staring at him*

What?! Can a guy notice these things?!

Lol, well, I guess you can't stop a guyf rom liking a girl. Her loks are cool. XD


Well-Known Member
yeah, ask Tenshi to update soon too XDD and Ayumi IS cool...we're not stopping ya from liking her DT XD