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a normal day in light labs.(the comic!)


WOOT! ANOTHER MEGAMAN COMIC! ok... I'v decided to make a megaman comic!

this is a comic about light labs(and occanasinonly wily labs), and it breaks the fourth wall now and then but not too much(fillers, party's and chapters where we go back to me making it the comic)... I try and avoid cliche's while at the same time useing them on puropose but right!

anways... enjoy! a normal day in light labs!

day -1: making the comic.
1.getting started
2.forgetting somthing?
3.making the narorater.
4.BACKROUNDS! plus file swap!
day 1: rescuing roll from love!
7.eddie so came before blues!
8.lets play a game!
9.a gift!
11.Wily is mad at tare

current comic:
11.Wily is mad at Tare

I was origanally going to have Tare say he was a one Ho Man, and be all punk gantsa like, but my proofreaders did not like it and they liked this one better.

I know my spelling is really bad but as long as you know what I'm trying to say you can read it!

=^-^= meow! Gamer! meow! =^-^=
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Paras is the shiz!
Oh come on! You spent six comics breaking the 4th wall, your grammar sucks, this is not even remotely funny, your word bubbles...don't use the same one everytime, Megaman comics are boring and uncreative, I don't care what your first post says this is just awful. Also if your grammar is bad, improve it. A 3/10, I don't feel like grading this anymore.


shinz: uhh.. please don't quote the 1st post... its really annoying...

shinz and tanhony: thank you...I did not exspect this to be a fav0_o

goatman: that was very helpfull! unlike davis and the other lasher's, when you lash it out you do it in a way you can build on, I don't understand the word bubble thing though... and I made the 1st 6 comic breaking the 4th wall because I was not planning on posting it here untill I ended up making 7 comics! and I make these because I like making them. I would happilly keep posting these even if the topic had no post's at all! comic comandment #5 don't give up!



8.lets play a game!
9.a gift!

how many pikafan's are there? I swear there are like 5 diffrent pikafans! some are newb's! some are newb authors! some are good authors! some are critics! I can't tell wich is wich!

oh and chapters are now days.

and chapter one is now day -1

and chapter 2:getting started is now day 1:rescuing roll from love.

[SPOIL]gonna be some angry dad stuff here ;)[/SPOIL]
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Look a megaman comic blantly copying BnG, how original. This is proof that using authors and making them almighty is a bad thing.
I mean seriously, "Hey, I made comic but I forgot everything. That is including humor!" These comics are not funny, or even close to it.
The newest one decides to use the, "Dr. Light is an alcoholic" cliche and it appears that you didn't want to do any work at all and made the same four panel in the comic. I don't feel like giving you the whole review.


I'm trying to avoid BnG!! and the new'st one is not the one with Dr.light being a achoholic, and he could just wan't a beer, dose not mean he is a alchoholic,
the newest one is starting the storyline for #10.

but I'm having problem with my computer and can not make a comic right now.

and I am avoiding the Bass cliche.

and I'm involving eddie more then anybody elese! 0_o


Monkey Dragon
This is really confusing, you keep switching between Rock and Megaman, in the same comic... This isn't funny, and the text is tiny, you can't zoom in on it...

There's nothing wrong with Rockman comics *cough*, it's just they have to have something behind them besides Rock and Forte going around talking about random stuff... And you need to work on the titles of each comis, I don't understand them...


well megaman as 2 names, rock and megaman,
it's fine to use 2 names. like Bass use's megaman because he thinks that is his only name, while Roll use's Rock because he is her brother and know's his real name.

ok.. larger text...got it!

oh and I'm trying to get hosted on blueglass comics, that way I can be somwhere besides "thread #t=98250".

oh and I fixed the computer and I'm in the middle of making comic 10 with all of the problems fixed!(oh and I'm useing origanal jokes that you might not find them funny...they are still origanal joke's though...and if sombody elese has them then tell me!)


Well-Known Member
Ugh... you keep switching between Rock and Megaman,isn't funny, and the text is tiny, you can't zoom in on it.You broke the fourthwall like seven times!
sorry buddy, i dont think this onewill make it.


I broke the 4th wall 6 times, not 7.

but it will be 7 in comic 10! (I finished it!)


and I already know my text is small! SO STOP NAGGING ME ABOUT IT!

lets see....

when I use origanal jokes people say "NOT FUNNY!"
when I use funny jokes people say "YOU COPYED THAT FROM____"
and half the time I never read the comic!
and because of all of those I end up having to stop making my comic!
but this time I'm gonna keep making them no matter what!


Monkey Dragon
I'm glad to see the text is readable, but that's all I'm really glad about...

You need to work on your capitalization, and why is Dr. Light yelling the whole time? Not really funny, either...


Well-Known Member
Meh, called constructive critizem, but whatever, i have every doubt this comic will only last a week.


Ok, by copying jokes you are saying that you are a uncreative *******.
The jokes you, "Make up" most have been used to death. Do your comic actually make you or your mom laugh? Do you actually chuckle when you write the material, cause sure as hell doesn't make most here.
Lets look at Richard Pryor, possibly the funniest comedian alive but sadly passed away monday. He started all that stuff you see on Chappelle or most black comedians. Half the time, the other comedians are as funny as a hammer to the skull but Pryor was still a funny mofo. Why? Because most of the others are cheap imitations.
This is what your jokes are. Your jokes are not funny or original because they have been run into the ground to much, tis the curse of doing a megaman comic.
My advice would to test out jokes and stop stealing others. Go to friends or siblings who are older then you and test out your jokes. See if you get a good responce.


-_- I don't use jokes that I have seen before.....
if it has been used in another comic(specificlly) please tell me, because If I never saw the joke before than I think its origanal. besides when I show my friends for proofreading(I never post a comic before having it proofread) and if they laughf I use it, however only one of them has ever read a sprite comic before, but still they always laughf(ecsept one of them, it was one where I made megaman and they did not like it so I did not go thoure with it.)

and here is the most recent one,

11.Wily's mad at tare

I have some funny ideas for auto. ;)