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A-OK/Thank-You Mail Generators? 0_o;


ok, I know about the wonder-mail code generator (I have it downloaded), but does anyone know of an A-OK/Thank You Mail code generator? I'm crap at these lvl-1 regression dungeons, and I can't stand waiting for days to get A-OKs over the 'net. >_<;


Aruseus Tamer
No, but I can save you!

rocklee 85

I Wont Bite!
i looked it up on google and yahoo it didnt say anything,but maybe someone might find it if i do ill give the sight to yall


The Sexy Kitty Cat
Actually, about a month and a half ago, someone put up a thread that had the calculations to make your A-OK mails. As for what happened to it... I have no idea.


I tried that, but it didn't really make much sense, and when I tried putting it into practice, it didn't work. that's why I'm asking for a code generator.

rocklee 85

I Wont Bite!
I wish we had one,so bad
ROCKLEE 85 the king of edvice,PM me if you need edvice
Yeah, WM generator is all we need. An A/OK or TY geneator is horrible. it would suck out all the fun. While were at it, let's just make a Joy Seed generator! [sarcasem/]


well, when you're in the 60+ levels of purity forest, it starts to take days for people to rescue you.

personally, I'd rather not spend that day waiting for a stupid little code.
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< looks friendly
i tried the a-ok thing but it sucked, it didn't work but i probably stuffed it up and u ahve to have a different one for every dungeon

the legend master

Well-Known Member
it would be cool

the legend master

Well-Known Member
^where do you find it!?
im waaaay ahead of my brother