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A Pikachu Comic!

Hiro xd

Charge at 3! 3!
;249-d; :This is my first comic in a while so it may not be the best but here goes nothing! This comic is about a pikachu who lives in unknown woods! and has no clue that he's in a comic! He hates to be called cute and hates humans! Please step back from your screen who ever is a human out there!

Intro Fr and Lf style!
Bio Intro!
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Epsiode 10
Episode 11
Epsiode 12
Episode 13
Epsiode 14
Epsidoe 15

Credit goes to:
Spirite Resource
Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting

Thanxsfor reading!

;249-d; XD Darkness!
Last edited:


Wario = PWN
Evee girl your comic has nothing to do with this...
This comic is about a pikachu.
Yours is more of a trainers adventure...
This could be promising...
But your doing one thing that most people who make their first comic seem to do...
I like to call it the "Nervous reapeeting on a microphone technique"
It bassically where you word sentences to make them repeat thereselves in a 7 year old way...
What I mean is such as in the intro... "And now you know the not cute pikachu"... This is a prime example of what I mean... Pikachu already said that... so you could have added "Ok... The ugly little pikachu" and have pikachu say something like "HEY! I'm not ugly!"
But the FRLG intro episode was

Emo Saria

Be my Penguin <3
i ment he got the idea from my title.
i read the two eppies, pretty funny, really good, especially if this is a first.
edit: ok i found out that this is a first.


Well this seems like it is going to be a really great comic! Keep up the great work!

Solid Kirby

Back, I guess.
Silly? Yes. Funny? Yes. ROTFFLMFAO Material? No, at least not yet.

Is the Devil Guardian Impressed? Yes, especially since this is from a newbie to the forums

You seem to have the ropes for Comics Down. PNG Format, Distinguishable Word Bubbles, and some good looking sprites. (Edited Second Gen sprites)

My only complaint is that there is some questionable Grammar. (Specifically, Last Panel on comic one. A instead of an I.)

So Far, I give it 7.5 out of ten. Your comic's Not Bad at all, but Not one of the Best there is. If you fix some of the problems in the comic, It could Become a Hit.

Hiro xd

Charge at 3! 3!
Thank you all! Yah I know my grammar and spellings bad... I got atutor sometime this year never really worked... Oh well thanks for the compliments and things I should of my comic!

PS: Devil guardian Ganon what's ROTFFLMFAO Material


Wario = PWN
What DGG said was Rolling On The Floor F***ing Laughing My F***ing A** Off...
Yep that's what it means...


Mind Trainer
I really like the intro you did it really good. The episodes are good too.


<- Kawaii ^^
Cool! I read everything in this comic already and it's really funny! I hope you keep up the good work! Good luck!