metal gear solid
Dont mess with snake
episdoe 1
episdoe 2
bad joke week
Every week,I will updata the bad joke area.Each week 1 of our hero's will make a bad joke.
bad joke week 1
Pokemon elite 2000- For the Pokemon icons.
The Spriters Resource-For pokemon trainers
Gba maps-For the maps
Anyone who vist's this comic forum, please post what you think.
episdoe 2
bad joke week
Every week,I will updata the bad joke area.Each week 1 of our hero's will make a bad joke.
bad joke week 1
Pokemon elite 2000- For the Pokemon icons.
The Spriters Resource-For pokemon trainers
Gba maps-For the maps
Anyone who vist's this comic forum, please post what you think.
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