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A Question about Shiny Legendaries


Well-Known Member
This is not a thread about how to get a shiny pokemon...

What I want to know, from those who have legit shiny legendary pokemon, is...

Before you battle the legendary and it's large pixel form is in front of you... Is that form shiny?

I'm doing the "save, restart" thing to try and catch a shiny Groudon and I just want to know if the Groudon I see in the magma pit will look different if the Pokemon is shiny.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
If you want to catch a shiny legendary, you must save BEFORE fighting it, then you go fight it, and if it isn't shiny when the battle starts, soft reset the game and try again until it's shiny. The overworld sprite will ALWAYS look the same, the pokemon's shininess isn't determined until you actually fight it.

EDIT: http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=135313

^Shiny sticky, useful if you need more information on shiny pokemon.

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I am the game
Overworld sprite will remain the same unlike G/S/C

Edit: Oops i got beaten.