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A Question Bout Red's Nidorino

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Well-Known Member
What exactly happened to it? The summaries never mentioned what happened to it. Is it in his box or did he release it or what? Why was it never again mentioned?

Blaze Dragon

T3h Blazing Ranger!
I think it is in his box with his Fearow, Espeon and the other not-used Pokemon. And we may never see it again, as it was only a plot device, not a Pokémon to be used.

Blaze Dragon

T3h Blazing Ranger!
speaking of espeon, if he never uses it how'd it evolve?
Even if this is completely off-topic, I will answer your question:
Espeon is the only exception on Red´s Box. Espeon battled alongside Red on the RBG Saga (As the SUPER-POWERFUL Eevee that could evolve into any of it´s 3 1st-Gen forms and De-Evolve at will), and evolved into a COMMON Espeon at the GSC Saga. Later, he left it at his Box


Beyond repair
What exactly happened to it? The summaries never mentioned what happened to it. Is it in his box or did he release it or what? Why was it never again mentioned?

IT IS Mentioned. On the very end of GSC Saga in Volume 15 where all main character's Pokemon are listed. Nidorino is listed as "Box Member" together with Espeon, Diglett and Sandshrew. The other ones like Fearow or Pokemon Caught in Safari Zone aren't listed there. They either vanished, have been released, writers forgot about them or are in different box (unless there aren't any other boxes not listed there).

Vent's Theme

Pretty Dolls
speaking of espeon, if he never uses it how'd it evolve?

All we know is that it evolved sometime before Red's Gym Leader examination, and that, when it did appear during the aforementioned battle, it had taken Areodactyl's place on Red's team. He also used it a great deal during the Gold/Silver/Crystal arc.

It's fairly safe to assume [and by that I mean that the following paragraph is nothing more than my opinion,] that Eevee was one of the Pokemon which Red was training with in Pallet before heading off to the hot springs, [featuring tastefully shrouded in mist Sabrina XP] and evolved at some point during this time. [Perhaps because, if he was staying in Pallet, he no longer needed Areodactyl for Fly?


Red involved his espeon with a moon stone most likely (the one he acqired in mt.moon), because he does not want it to suffer from all the past experments done to it by Team Rockets, so that it won't ever ahve to envolve again. (read the damn manga, they are so apparent).

And Nidorino is in his box. Alone with Sandshrew (used for batteling against two wild magmars), diglet (caught in the cave???).

PokePark Ranger

Pokemon Ranger
I have book 3 right infront of me here. It states that he traded the Moon Stone he got to Blue, for a fake Marsh Badge, and it was used to evolve her Clefairy into a Clefable. He evolved it by training hard, and relieving it's pain of the past experiments. My question, is how did he get the 3 stones from the sea? And how does that help him if Eevee can already transform? Does it amplify the transformation? Who gave it to him? Giovanni?


I have book 3 right infront of me here. It states that he traded the Moon Stone he got to Blue, for a fake Marsh Badge, and it was used to evolve her Clefairy into a Clefable. He evolved it by training hard, and relieving it's pain of the past experiments. My question, is how did he get the 3 stones from the sea? And how does that help him if Eevee can already transform? Does it amplify the transformation? Who gave it to him? Giovanni?

Giovanni gave the stones to him, when Giovanni released Red from the icey imprisonment of Loreli. The fact that his Eevee can do any of the 3 evolutions at will make it a great asset to Red. He used all 3 forms during his battle with Bruno.


Well-Known Member
Red involved his espeon with a moon stone most likely (the one he acqired in mt.moon), because he does not want it to suffer from all the past experments done to it by Team Rockets, so that it won't ever ahve to envolve again. (read the damn manga, they are so apparent).

okay dude. for one, espeon is the SUN pokemon, it would have made a LITTLE sense if you had said SUN stone not MOON stone. 2) moon adn sun stones dont evolve eevee. (play the damn games, they are so apparent)

PokePark Ranger

Pokemon Ranger
Eevee can turn into any of the 3 forms at will already. But did the 3 stones amplify the transformations? And yeah, if you don't know what your talking about, DON'T POST LIES. Seriously, a MOON STONE evolves a Eevee into ESPEON?! That's a load of bull.

Now, here is a smaller question. How do I use a custom avatar?


okay dude. for one, espeon is the SUN pokemon, it would have made a LITTLE sense if you had said SUN stone not MOON stone. 2) moon adn sun stones dont evolve eevee. (play the damn games, they are so apparent)

Oh look, someone who didnt even read a damn chapter is saying someothing.

My mistake, he did not use the moon stone (my memories are getting worse). My sincere apologies. And also I DID play all games. i got someonthing wrong and 2 person already trying to kill me. Trying to start a flame war or sumthing?

But I highly doubt REdtrained his espeon. Also, I doubnt the stone amplify the evlove, but Red's evee is incredibaly strong and is able to take out Bruno's hitmochan and hitomolee by using three elemnetal attacks.
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Eevee can turn into any of the 3 forms at will already. But did the 3 stones amplify the transformations? And yeah, if you don't know what your talking about, DON'T POST LIES. Seriously, a MOON STONE evolves a Eevee into ESPEON?! That's a load of bull.

Now, here is a smaller question. How do I use a custom avatar?

I don think it amplify its ability. But if my memory serves me correct, his eevee has unstable genes making it change into any form at any time. Meaning an unstable transformation. But with the 3 stones, it can do it more stablely.


Well-Known Member
Oh look, someone who didnt even read a damn chapter is saying someothing.
do you have to keep saying that?! whats wrong with you, you assanine jerk! ive read the summaries, and you must have a preety bad memory to not remember that eevee evolves with friendship to espeon/umbreon. and i didnt say it wasnt strong, just weird that it was friendly enough to evolve seeing as he never used it in rbg (i think someone said he used it in yellow and gsc?)


Well-Known Member

My question was about Red's nidorino. And i dont wanna see my thread contain flamewars.
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