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A Question On What Kind Of Story To Write.


Hoenn's Superstar
I have been in the mood to write somthing for a while now, but I'm not exactly sure what I want to write about or what kind of story I want to write. Being new to the whole Fanfic world is pretty cool because people have innovative ideas, but I'm going off topic.

For a beginning writer, What would advanced fanfic authors advise the newbies to do? Write a long Chaptered fanfic, or get a few one-shots under their belt before creating a chaptered fic?

And on another note, What kind of stories are people generally looking for? (such as Journey fics, or stories about Legendary pokemon and what not)

Thanks for everyone's time who took the time to read this


Charmingly Cynical
I don't know. I'm not as much 'fic' as I am 'screenwriting' (which is why I haven't got any work up on the site), but my personal opinion is try some one-shots before hitting the multi-chaptered stories intentionally. My experience with those falls into the range of 'Don't post it, because you'll never finish.' You have no idea the number of floppy disks I had with incompleted multi-chaptered fics. One or two you could squeeze out, but try for much more than that and you set yourself up to shoot yourself in the foot.

But that's just one man's opinion.


Irredeemable Nerd
if you're going to do a multi-chapter, make SURE you go back and complete it (I'm one to talk, I have 5 started but am not able to finish any but 2 (?) anytime soon).

yeah, it might get boring, then just switch over to another of your incompleteds until you get bored/complete it, rinse and repeat.

as for what kind of fic....there are so many possibilities, it's really hard to pin it down on any one.

here's a recommendation, go to the Pokedex and read the entries until something interesting pops out at you, then build a fic off of that--if you have a new idea, don't discard it immediately--work it into your fic (even if it's a new fic idea! this has happened MANY times to me. Ask Elemental Charizard about the ORIGINAL version of Hell Hath no Fury: An Ice Queen's Saga!). Trust me, usually it makes it WAY better


The magic of Pokemon
If you want to try a multi chaptered fic, go ahead...just do a little planning beforehand of how many chapters/episodes you want.

If you're planning on writing comedy, classic Disney and Looney tunes shorts are perfect for gag inspiration.

El hariyamer

Order of the Green
If you want to practice, work on one-shots. Once you feel confident enough, you should be able to handle a multi-chaptered fic.

Of course, for some people, it's the other way round. Often, many accomplished novelists choose to write novels because they cannot write short stories no matter how hard they try.

Just choose whichever you feel more confident with.

Timid Kyogre

Endangered Creature
It's completely your choice. If you're ready to start a chaptered fic, do it. What's stopping you? Just be sure to make it interesting enough for you, and that you'll be able to write it without being forced to. Never write anything because you're forced to, or else it won't turn out very good.

I suggest you also read Advice for Aspiring Authors. I read it from time to time, because it helps. And of course, if you didn't read the FanFiction Rules, read them now.

Don't make yourself think of a plot. If you already have one, sit down and think what's going to happen in the whole fic etc. If you don't, go read some PokeDex entries and/or listen to some music. I don't know about you, but it helps me.

And on another note, What kind of stories are people generally looking for? (such as Journey fics, or stories about Legendary pokemon and what not)

I'm not sure about what other people want to see, but I guess it dependes on their taste. Personally, I like Horror and Fantasy. This does not mean you should write Horror or Fantasy, though. Write what you like, not what others like.

~Timid Kyogre

Brian Random

Being new to the whole Fanfic world is pretty cool because people have innovative ideas, but I'm going off topic.

For a beginning writer, What would advanced fanfic authors advise the newbies to do? Write a long Chaptered fanfic, or get a few one-shots under their belt before creating a chaptered fic?
It’s completely up to you. If you want some advice, let me give you some. Found something that inspires you. When you write a long chaptered fic, sometimes you may want to take a break from it and write some one-shots.

And on another note, What kind of stories are people generally looking for? (such as Journey fics, or stories about Legendary pokemon and what not)
I don’t have the answer to that question because everyone have different interests in fics, some like romance/shipping ones, some like horror and gory ones, some like comedy ones, etc. Again, that’s completely up to you. Personally, I read anything.

Saffire Persian

Now you see me...
There's no current trend to what type of Pokéfic is "in" per se. Different things appeal to different people. At least you have one thing in common in: they're about Pokémon, and that's mainly what people are here to read.

If you want to try a hand at one-shots, try a hand at them. I write so many one-shots mainly as most of my ideas center around a very short series of events, instead of the long-drawn out plots of multi-chaptered 'fics. Though i am currently working on one. *prays it gets finished*.

Go with what you want, and what you write best.


Junior Field Assista
most people don't like reading OT fics that follow the games, but i always thought them the easiest to write, especially if you're a first time pokemon fanfic writer. Of course this doesn't mean you should write the fic like a walkthru. Maybe do something like Pokemon Special did with its rendition of the pokemon games